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Journal Article
Giblin, Anne E, K. J Nadelhoffer, Gaius R Shaver, J. A Laundre, and A. J McKerrow. Biogeochemical Diversity Along A Riverside Toposequence In Arctic Alaska. Ecological Monographs 61, no. 4. Ecological Monographs (1991): 415-435. doi:10.2307/2937049.
Shaver, Gaius R, L. C Johnson, D. H Cades, G. L Murray, J. A Laundre, Edward B Rastetter, K. J Nadelhoffer, and Anne E Giblin. Biomass And Co2 Flux In Wet Sedge Tundras: Responses To Nutrients, Temperature, And Light. Ecological Monographs 68, no. 1. Ecological Monographs (1998): 75-97. doi:10.1890/0012-9615(1998)068%5B0075:BACFIW%5D2.0.CO;2.
McKane, R. B, Edward B Rastetter, Gaius R Shaver, K. J Nadelhoffer, Anne E Giblin, J. A Laundre, and F Stuart Chapin III. Climatic Effects On Tundra Carbon Storage Inferred From Experimental Data And A Model. Ecology 78, no. 4. Ecology (1997): 1170-1187. doi:10.1890/0012-9658%281997%29078%5B1170%3ACEOTCS%5D2.0.CO%3B2.
Giblin, Anne E, J. A Laundre, K. J Nadelhoffer, and Gaius R Shaver. Measuring Nutrient Availability In Arctic Soils Using Ion-Exchange Resins: A Field Test. Soil Science Society Of America Journal 58, no. 4. Soil Science Society Of America Journal (1994): 1154-1162. doi:10.2136/sssaj1994.03615995005800040021x.
Nadelhoffer, K. J, Gaius R Shaver, B. Fry, Anne E Giblin, L. C Johnson, and R. B McKane. N-15 Natural Abundances And N Use By Tundra Plants. Oecologia 107, no. 3. Oecologia (1996): 386-394. doi:10.1007/bf00328456.
Liu, Xue-Yan, Keisuke Koba, Lina A Koyama, Sarah E Hobbie, M. Weiss, Yoshiyuki Inagaki, Gaius R Shaver, et al.. Nitrate Is An Important Nitrogen Source For Arctic Tundra Plants. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences 115, no. 13. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences (2018): 3398 - 3403. doi:10.1073/pnas.1715382115.
Yano, Y., Gaius R Shaver, Anne E Giblin, Edward B Rastetter, and K. J Nadelhoffer. Nitrogen Dynamics In A Small Arctic Watershed: Retention And Downhill Movement Of 15N. Ecological Monographs 80, no. 2. Ecological Monographs (2010): 331-351. doi:10.1890/08-0773.1.
McKane, R. B, Edward B Rastetter, Gaius R Shaver, K. J Nadelhoffer, Anne E Giblin, J. A Laundre, and F Stuart Chapin III. Reconstruction And Analysis Of Historical Changes In Carbon Storage In Arctic Tundra. Ecology 78, no. 4. Ecology (1997): 1188-1198. doi:10.1890/0012-9658%281997%29078%5B1188%3ARAAOHC%5D2.0.CO%3B2.
Rastetter, Edward B, Laura Gough, A. E Hartley, D. A Herbert, K. J Nadelhoffer, and Mathew W Williams. A Revised Assessment Of Species Redundancy And Ecosystem Reliability. Conservation Biology 13, no. 2. Conservation Biology (1999): 440-443. doi:10.1046/j.1523-1739.1999.013002440.x.
Downs, M. R, R. Michener, B. Fry, and K. J Nadelhoffer. Routine Measurement Of Dissolved Inorganic 15N In Streamwater. Environmental Monitoring And Assessment 55. Environmental Monitoring And Assessment (1999): 211-220. doi:10.1023/A:1006194307747.
Loya, W. M, L. C Johnson, and K. J Nadelhoffer. Seasonal Dynamics Of Leaf- And Root-Derived C In Arctic Tundra Mesocosms. Soil Biology And Biochemistry 36, no. 4. Soil Biology And Biochemistry (2004): 655-666. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2003.11.009.
