Streams Temperature Discharge

Summer temperature and discharge files for streams studied by the Arctic LTER.

Summer temperature and discharge files for streams studied by the Arctic LTER.

Streams Temperature Discharge
William "Breck" Bowden, 2020 Kuparuk River stream temperature and discharge measured each summer, Dalton Road crossing, Arctic LTER Toolik Field Staion, Alaska 1978-2019. 10.6073/pasta/b407edbe788d9be27662009e1be8331b
Stream temperature and discharge measured each summer for several streams in the Toolik area. In many years, temperature and stream height were recorded manually each day. In recent years, dataloggers have measured stream temperature and stream height at regular intervals. The Kuparuk River data was maintained by Doug Kane and the Water and Environmental Research Center at UAF through 2017 (
William "Breck" Bowden, 2020 Stream temperature and discharge measured each summer for Oksrukuyik Creek at Dalton Road crossing, Arctic LTER, Toolik Field Station, Alaska, 1989-2019. 10.6073/pasta/93999a64cc4650828f633e2ab5b237fa
Oksrukuyik Creek stage height and calculated discharge for the summer of 1989 to present. Stream temperature and discharge measured each summer for several streams in the Toolik area. Stream height is converted into stream discharge based on a rating curve calculated from manual discharge measurements throughout the season. The principal investigator in charge of the temperature and discharge measurements is Dr. Breck Bowden.
Note: This file combines the previous individual yearly files.
William "Breck" Bowden, 2020 Roche Moutonnee Creek and Trevor Creek stream temperature and discharge measured each summer, Arctic LTER Toolik Field Station, Alaska, 2015-2019. 10.6073/pasta/241545f73a73e9d8b7b615e21e5cea2c
Stream temperature and discharge measured each summer for Roche Moutonnee Creek and Trevor Creek. Dataloggers measured stream temperature and stream height at regular intervals. Stream height is converted into stream discharge based on a rating curve calculated from manual discharge measurements throughout the season. The principal investigator in charge of the temperature and discharge measurements is Dr. Breck Bowden.
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