Daliy weather data (wind, temperatrue, humididty, pressure, precipitation) from Roche Mountonnee , in the northern foothills of the Brooks Range, Alaska, summers 2010-2014.


Daily weather data from mid May to late July 2011 to 2013 from Roche Moutonnee (south of Toolik Field Station and Arctic LTER), in the northern foothills of the Brooks Range, Alaska. Parameters measured include: wind speed, wind directions, temperature, humidity, pressure and precipitation.

Project Keywords: 

Data set ID: 


EML revision ID: 

Published on EDI/LTER Data Portal


Boelman, N. 2013. Daliy weather data (wind, temperatrue, humididty, pressure, precipitation) from Roche Mountonnee , in the northern foothills of the Brooks Range, Alaska, summers 2010-2014. Environmental Data Initiative. http://dx.doi.org/10.6073/pasta/82051b684ec80c6039e32ee4e72e21be



Additional People: 

Associated Researcher

Date Range: 

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 to Monday, July 28, 2014

Publication Date: 



In early May through late July of 2010-2014, a weather station was placed on a tripod assembly about 200 m from the Roche Mountonnee River. The site is vegetated by tall riparian shrubs (> 100 cm), primarily Salix alaxensis, with scattered forbs. There is little moss and the soil is hard, rocky/sandy, and dry. All sensors were ~ 3 meters off the ground.

Sensor information:
Sensors are rented from Sanchez Industrial Design, Inc., and are EcoEARS data loggers with Vaisala Weather Transmitters WXT520 (Helsinki, Finland).

Pressure: WXT520 capacitive silicon BAROCAP® sensor; range 600 ... 1100 hPa; accuracy ±0.5 hPa at 0 ... +30 °C (+32 ... +86 °F) ±1 hPa at -52 ... +60 °C (-60 ... +140 °F); output resolution 0.1 hPa, 10 Pa, 0.001 bar, 0.1 mmHg, 0.01 inHg.
Temperature: WXT520 capacitive ceramic THERMOCAP® sensor; range -52 ... +60 °C (-60 ... +140 °F); accuracy (for sensor element) at +20 °C (+68 °F) ± 0.3 °C; output resolution 0.1 °C (0.1 °F).
Humidity: WXT520 capacitive thin film polymer HUMICAP®180 sensor; range 0 ... 100 %RH; accuracy ±3 %RH at 0 ... 90 %RH; ±5 %RH at 90 ... 100 %RH; output resolution 0.1 %RH.

WXT520 uses Vaisala WINDCAP® sensor technology in wind measurement. The wind sensor has an array of three equally spaced ultrasonic transducers on a horizontal plane. Wind speed and wind directions are determined by measuring the time it takes the ultrasound to travel from each transducer to the other two.
Wind speed: range 0 ... 60 m/s; response time 0.25 s; accuracy ±3 % at 10 m/s; output resolution 0.1 m/s (km/h, mph, knots).
Wind direction: azimuth 0 ... 360°; response time 0.25 s; accuracy ±3.0°; output resolution 1°.

WXT520 uses Vaisala RAINCAP® Sensor 2-technology in precipitation measurement. The precipitation sensor comprises of a steel cover and a piezoelectrical sensor mounted on the bottom surface of the cover. The precipitation sensor detects the impact of individual raindrops. The signals from the impact are proportional to the volume of the drops.
Rainfall: cumulative accumulation after the latest auto or manual reset; collecting area 60 cm2; output resolution 0.01 mm (0.001 in); field accuracy for daily accumulation better than 5 %1, weather dependent.
Rain intensity: running one minute average in 10-second steps; range 0 ... 200 mm/h.

Version Changes: 

Metatdata entered and data reviewed by S.Sweet, uploaded and formatted JD (Dec.2013)
Version 2: Wind speed data from 2013 was a little wonky (upwards of 120+ mph).  So, the folks we rent our equipment from recalculated the hourly data for us, and I finished calculating the daily averages. S.Sweet May 2014
Version 3: added 2014 data S.Sweet

Sites sampled.

Full Metadata and data files (either comma delimited (csv) or Excel) - Environmental Data Initiative repository.

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