2013 climate data for eddy flux platform on Toolik Lake, Alaska


Yearly file describing the metological conditions on Toolik Lake adjacent to the Toolik Field Research Station (68 38'N, 149 36'W). This location is a floating platform where eddy flux measurements have been made, and should not be confused with either the Toolik Field Station Climate site, which is a land-based station, or the Toolik Lake Climate Station that is lake-based but at a different location (approximately 300 m from the eddy platform). Note that the terrestrial station has been called the "Toolik Main Climate Station", and the station on the lake is located near the main Arctic long term ecological research lake sampling site, and has also been called the Toolik Lake Main Climate Station. Measurements at the eddy climate platform described here include air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, wind direction, wind speed, radiation, and water temperature.

Project Keywords: 

Data set ID: 


EML revision ID: 

Published on EDI/LTER Data Portal


Eugster, W., Kling, G. 2014. 2013 climate data for eddy flux platform on Toolik Lake, Alaska Environmental Data Initiative. http://dx.doi.org/10.6073/pasta/0816934e7515703afb8f3bf4a97a5cf8

Date Range: 

Friday, June 28, 2013 to Friday, August 16, 2013

Publication Date: 



This eddy platform on Toolik Lake was installed in 2010 as part of an NSF-NEON grant to Dr. Gus Shaver, and has been maintained recently by an NSF AON grant to Dr. George Kling. This station measures air temperature and relative humidity (Campbell Scientific CS215-L), air pressure (Campbell Scientific CS106), wind speed and direction (with Met One 034b anemometer), and upwelling and downwelling shortwave and longwave radiation (Kipp and Zonen CNR1 Radiometer). Water temperature is measured with a PME thermistor chain. Measurements of all variables are taken at a 10 second interval, averaged every 30 minutes, and logged into a Campbell Scientific CR3000 datalogger. The eddy platform is anchored in place as soon as possible in June (when ice is off lake) and remains in place until mid to late August.

Field and Lab Methods and Protocols, Kling Lab


Version Changes: 

Generated this file 22 October 2014 (version .01)
June 2019-Version 8: Added detail to site name and description. Added XML for ADC harvesting. BK

Sites sampled.

Full Metadata and data files (either comma delimited (csv) or Excel) - Environmental Data Initiative repository.

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