Meteorological data collected on Toolik Lake during the ice free season for 2014-2020, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska


File describing the meteorological conditions on Toolik Lake (named the Toolik Lake Climate station), adjacent to the Toolik Field Research Station (68 38'N, 149 36'W).  This is a floating climate station and should not be confused with the Toolik Field Station Climate site (TFS Climate Station or Met Station) which is a terrestrial station (located on land).  Note that this land station has been called the "Toolik Main Climate Station", and the station on the lake is located where the main lake sampling site is located so it has also been called the Toolik Lake Main Climate Station.  Measurements include air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, and radiation.   

Note: There are no discharge data for 2013 because of equipment malfunction.

Project Keywords: 

Data set ID: 


EML revision ID: 

Published on EDI/LTER Data Portal


Kling, G. 2022. Meteorological data collected on Toolik Lake during the ice free season for 2014-2020, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska Environmental Data Initiative.



Additional People: 

Associated Researcher

Date Range: 

Monday, June 30, 2014 to Thursday, September 17, 2020

Publication Date: 


Collection Status: 



The meteorological station on the surface of Toolik Lake was first installed in the spring of 1998. Originally the station recorded air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and wind direction.  In 1999, a Kipp and Zonen CM3 radiation instrument was added to record the downwelling and upwelling of longwave and shortwave radiation.  Measurements of all variables are taken at a 30 second interval, averaged every 5 minutes, and logged into a Campbell Scientific CR10x datalogger or starting in 2007 a Campbell CR1000 datalogger (or equivalent).

The meteorological station is anchored in place as soon as possible in June (when ice is off lake) and remains in place until the end of August or early September  This station measures air temperature and relative humidity (with Vaisala HMP45C), wind speed and direction (with Met One 014A anemometer) and radiation (with CM3 Kipp and Zonen Radiometer).  The longwave radiation is corrected for instrument case temperature.  The wind sensor is ca. 3.8 meters above the water surface, and the temperature sensor is ca. 2.5 m above the water surface.  The upwelling radiation sensors are located ca. 50 cm above the water surface.  Note that the  Kipp and Zonen shortwave upwelling and downwelling sensors can return slightly negative values at night, especially later in the summer season - we assume these negative values represent sensor limits at very low sun angles, and an offset correction returning the most negative value to zero is applied  to all values.

Note: There are no discharge data for 2013 because of equipment malfunction.

Version Changes: 

Version 1:  Created 31-May-2019 by G. Kling and J. Dobkowski.  Uses most recent Metadata file from J. Laundre

Version 2: Updated data thru 2020.  R. Peterson

Version 3: Corrected year in title.  Jim L

Version 4: 2013 data was corrupted. Changed title and added note to abstract and methods. BK. 17Mar22

Sites sampled.

Full Metadata and data files (either comma delimited (csv) or Excel) - Environmental Data Initiative repository.

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