Air and soil temperatures from iButtons located at reciprocal transplant gardens at Toolik Lake, Coldfoot, and Sagwon in 2015 and 2016. The reciprocal transplant gardens at Coldfoot (CF), Toolik Lake (TL), Sagwon (SG) Each plot contains three tussocks, 30-50 centimeters apart
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ibutton temperature sensors were placed at the reciprocal transplant gardens at Coldfoot (CF), Toolik Lake (TL), Sagwon (SG) Each plot contains three tussocks, 30-50 cm apart. Loggers were placed in the soil at -10 cm amd -2 cm by sealing in a small 4x 4 cm bag then sliding down a pre-cut hole in the soil and squeezing it firmly shut. long pieces of tape ran from the loggers to the surface so that they could be recovered. Air temperature was measured by inserting the ibutton into a gouged hole in a 3 x 4 x 8 cm piece of wood, the ibutton was sealed in place at two points using a small amount of hot-melt glue. The gouge in the wood was deep enough to allow good air circulation around the logger. the piece of wood was mounted on a steak which held the logger approximately 20 above the ground.
Loggers at -10, -2 and 20 cm were set in three plots at CF (CF1, TL1 and SG1 (see map)) and six plots at TL and SG (CF1, CF2, TL1, TL2, SG1 and SG2). At SG and TL this represented three warmed plots and three control plots (see map). Some loggers could not be retrieved.
Loggers were set to measure temperature to the closest 0.5 °C on an hourly basis
In 2016 loggers could not be inserted at 10 cm depth until later in the season at SG and TL until the soil thawed to that depth
Version Changes:
Version 1: uploaded to data portal
Version 2: corrected author listing.
Version 3: removed abbreviations
Sites sampled.
EML Link:
Full Metadata and data files (either comma delimited (csv) or Excel) - Environmental Data Initiative repository.
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