carbon sequestration
Models are used in many collaborating projects. Output from these models are tagged with the keyword "models". To find these datasets use the following keyword link.
- Model Output Datasets - Arctic LTER datasets tagged with the LTER controlled vocabulary term models.
Abstract | |
Edward Rastetter, Kevin Griffin, Bonnie Kwiatkowski, George Kling, 2022 Model Simulations of The Effects of Shifts in High-frequency Weather Variability (With a Long-term Trend) on Carbon Loss from Land to the Atmosphere, Toolik Lake, Alaska, 2022-2122. 10.6073/pasta/83775003d8ef8978bf43d5c801f2a9a9 |
Climate change is increasing extreme weather events, but effects on high-frequency weather variability and the resultant impacts on ecosystem function are poorly understood. We assessed ecosystem responses of arctic tundra to changes in day-to-day weather variability using a biogeochemical model and stochastic simulations of daily temperature, precipitation, and light. Changes in weather variability altered ecosystem carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus stocks and cycling rates. |
Abstract | |
Edward Rastetter, 2005 The role of down-slope water and nutrient fluxes in the response of Arctic hill slopes to climate change, output from MBLGEMIII for typical tussock-tundra hill slope near Toolik Field Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/8422a982c7303e0291b83bf4b7568312 |
Output data sets of the MBL-GEM III model for a typical tussock-tundra hill slope. The model is described in two papers: Le Dizès, S., Kwiatkowski B.L., Rastetter E.B., Hope A., Hobbie J.E., Stow D., Daeschner S., 2003 Modelling biogeochemical responses of tundra ecosystems to temporal and spatial variations in climate in the Kuparuk River Basin (Alaska), Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 108 No. D2 10.1029/2001JD000960. |
Edward Rastetter, 2001 Modeling biogeochemical responses of tundra ecosystems to temporal and spatial variations in climate in the Kuparuk River Basin , Alaska, 1921 to 2100.. 10.6073/pasta/2148914590223c917bffb199ef5fdde5 |
Output data set of the MBL-GEM III model run for tussock tundra in the Kuparuk River Basin, Alaska, described in detail in Le Dizès, S., B. L. Kwiatkowski, E. B. Rastetter, A. Hope, J. E. Hobbie, D. Stow, and S. Daeschner, Modeling biogeochemical responses of tundra ecosystems to temporal and spatial variations in climate in the Kuparuk River Basin (Alaska), J. Geophys. Res., 108(D2), 8165, doi:10.1029/2001JD000960, 2003. |
Edward Rastetter, Bonnie Kwiatkowski, David Kicklighter, Audrey Baker Potkin, Helene Genet, Jesse Nippert, Kim O'Keefe, Steven Perakis, Stephen Porder, Sarah Roley, Roger Ruess, Jonathan Thomson, William Wieder, Kevin Wilcox, Ruth Yanai, 2022 Steady state carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and water budgets for twelve mature ecosystems ranging from prairie to forest and from the arctic to the tropics. 10.6073/pasta/b737b5f0855aa7afeda68764e77aec2a |
We use the Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model to examine the responses of twelve ecosystems - from the arctic to the tropics and from grasslands to forests - to elevated carbon dioxide (CO2), warming, and 20% decreases or increases in annual precipitation. |
Edward Rastetter, Bonnie Kwiatkowski, David Kicklighter, Audrey Baker Potkin, Helene Genet, Jesse Nippert, Kim O'Keefe, Steven Perakis, Stephen Porder, Sarah Roley, Roger Ruess, Jonathan Thomson, William Wieder, Kevin Wilcox, Ruth Yanai, 2022 Ecosystem responses to changes in climate and carbon dioxide in twelve mature ecosystems ranging from prairie to forest and from the arctic to the tropics. 10.6073/pasta/7ca56dfbe6c9bedf5126e9ff7e66f28d |
We use the Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model to examine the responses of twelve ecosystems - from the arctic to the tropics and from grasslands to forests - to elevated carbon dioxide (CO2), warming, and 20% decreases or increases in annual precipitation. |
Edward Rastetter, Kevin Griffin, Bonnie Kwiatkowski, George Kling, 2022 Model Simulations of The Effects of Shifts in High-frequency Weather Variability (No Long-term Weather Trend) Control Carbon Loss from Land to the Atmosphere, Toolik Lake, Alaska, 2022-2122. 10.6073/pasta/a946904960bb11f44915b80fb4fc5981 |
Climate change is increasing extreme weather events, but effects on high-frequency weather variability and the resultant impacts on ecosystem function are poorly understood. We assessed ecosystem responses of arctic tundra to changes in day-to-day weather variability using a biogeochemical model and stochastic simulations of daily temperature, precipitation, and light. Changes in weather variability altered ecosystem carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus stocks and cycling rates. |