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Page, S. E, George W Kling, K. H Sander, Katherine H Harrold, R. Logan, K. McNeill, and Rose M Cory. Dark Formation Of Hydroxyl Radical In Arctic Soil And Surface Waters. Environmental Science And Technology 47, no. 22. Environmental Science And Technology (2013): 12860-12867. doi:10.1021/es4033265.
Parker, Stephanie M, and Alexander D Huryn. Disturbance And Productivity As Codeterminants Of Stream Food Web Complexity In The Arctic. Limnology And Oceanography 58. Limnology And Oceanography (2013): 2158-2170. doi:10.4319/lo.2013.58.6.2158.
Moore, John C. Diversity, Taxonomic Versus Functional. In Encyclopedia Of Biodiversity, 2Nd Edition, 7:648-656. 2nd ed. Encyclopedia Of Biodiversity, 2Nd Edition. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Academic Press, 2013. doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-384719-5.00036-8.
Rocha, Adrian V. Ecosystem Resilience And Climate Feedbacks In An Arctic With Fire (Invited Speaker). Grand Valley State University. Grand Valley State University. Allendale, MI, 2013.
Gough, Laura. Effects Of Global Change On Arctic Plants And Our Native Prairies (Invited Speaker). Native Plant Society Of Texas, Dallas Chapter. Native Plant Society Of Texas, Dallas Chapter. Dallas, TX, 2013.
Heskel, Mary A. Environmental Controls Of Foliar Respiration In Arctic Tundra Plants. Department Of Ecology, Evolution And Environmental Biology. Department Of Ecology, Evolution And Environmental Biology. Columbia University, 2013. doi:10.7916/D8HH6S87.
Euskirchen, E. S, and M. Sommerkorn. Feedbacks To Ecosystems And Climate. The Arctic Biodiversity Assessment. The Arctic Biodiversity Assessment. Akureyri, Iceland: Arctic Council - Department of Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna, 2013.
Hobara, S., Keisuke Koba, Ae Noriharu, Anne E Giblin, K. Kushida, and Gaius R Shaver. Geochemical Influences On Solubility Of Soil Organic Carbon In Arctic Tundra Ecosystems. Soil Science Society Of America Journal 77, no. 2. Soil Science Society Of America Journal (2013): 473-481. doi:10.2136/sssaj2012.0199.
Ueyama, Masahito, H. Iwata, Y. Harazono, E. S Euskirchen, W. C Oechel, and D. Zona. Growing Season And Spatial Variations Of Carbon Fluxes Of Arctic And Boreal Ecosystems In Alaska (Usa). Ecological Applications 23, no. 8. Ecological Applications (2013): 1798-1816. doi:10.1890/11-0875.1.
Griffin, Kevin L, David Epstein, and Natalie T Boelman. Hill Slope Variations In Chlorophyll Fluorescence Indices And Leaf Traits In A Small Arctic Watershed. Arctic, Antarctic And Alpine Research 45, no. 1. Arctic, Antarctic And Alpine Research (2013): 39-49. doi:10.1657/1938-4246-45.1.39.
Jones, Benjamin M, Amy L Breen, B. Gaglioti, D. Mann, Adrian V Rocha, G. Grosse, C. D Arp, M. Kunz, and D. A Walker. Identification Of Unrecognized Tundra Fire Events On The North Slope Of Alaska. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 118. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences (2013): 1334-1344. doi:10.1002/jgrg.20113.
Gratton, Z. Interactions Between Canopy Structure And Leaf Trait Distribution In Arctic Shrub Communities. School Of Geosciences. School Of Geosciences. University of Edinburgh, 2013.
Potosnak, M. J, B. M Baker, L. Lestourgeon, S> M Disher, Kevin L Griffin, Syndonia M Bret-Harte, and Gregory Starr. Isoprene Emissions From A Tundra Ecosystem. Biogeosciences 10, no. 2. Biogeosciences (2013): 871 - 889. doi:10.5194/bg-10-871-2013.
Shaver, Gaius R, Edward B Rastetter, V. Salmon, L. E Street, M. J van de Weg, Adrian V Rocha, M. T van Wijk, and Mathew W Williams. Panarctic Modeling Of Net Ecosystem Exchange Of Co2. Philosophical Transactions Of Royal Society: Biology 368, no. 1624. Philosophical Transactions Of Royal Society: Biology (2013): 20120485. doi:10.1098/rstb.2012.0485.
