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Hobbie, John E. Introduction. In Handbook Of Methods In Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 1-5. Handbook Of Methods In Aquatic Microbial Ecology. Boca Raton,Florida: Lewis Publishers, 1993.
Bixby, Rebecca J. The Paleolimnology Of Two Arctic Lakes: Regional And Local Changes In Climate. Biological Sciences. Biological Sciences. Uniersity of Cincinnati, 1993.
Hobbie, John E, and T. E Ford. A Perspective On The Ecology Of Aquatic Microbes. In Aquatic Microbiology: An Ecological Approach, 1-14. Aquatic Microbiology: An Ecological Approach. Boston: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1993.
Peterson, Bruce J, B. Fry, Linda A Deegan, and A. E Hershey. The Trophic Significance Of Epilithic Algal Production In A Fertilized Tundra River Ecosystem. Limnology And Oceanography 38, no. 4. Limnology And Oceanography (1993): 872-878. doi:10.4319/lo.1993.38.4.0872.
Kipphut, G. W, and S. C Whalen. Access Pipes For Sampling Through Thick Ice. Hydrobiologia 240. Hydrobiologia (1992): 267-269. doi:10.1007/Bf00013468.
F Stuart Chapin III, Robert L Jefferies, R. Reynolds, Gaius R Shaver, and J. Svoboda. Arctic Physiological Ecology In An Ecosystems Context. In Arctic Ecosystems In A Changing Climate: An Ecophysiological Perspective, 3-10. Arctic Ecosystems In A Changing Climate: An Ecophysiological Perspective. New York: Academic Press, 1992.
F Stuart Chapin III, Robert L Jefferies, R. Reynolds, Gaius R Shaver, and J. Svoboda. Arctic Plant Physiological Ecology: A Challenge For The Future. In Arctic Ecosystems In A Changing Climate: An Ecophysiological Perspective, 441-452. Arctic Ecosystems In A Changing Climate: An Ecophysiological Perspective. New York: Academic Press, 1992.
J Cornelissen, Hans C, and G. W Kipphut. Biogeochemistry Of Manganese- And Iron-Rich Sediments In Toolik Lake, Alaska. Hydrobiologia 240. Hydrobiologia (1992): 45-59. doi:10.1007/bf00013451.
Hiltner, A. L, and A. E Hershey. Blackfly (Diptera:simuliidae) Responses To Phosphorus Enrichment Of An Arctic Tundra Stream. Hydrobiologia 240. Hydrobiologia (1992): 259-266. doi:10.1007/BF00013467.
J Cornelissen, Hans C. Cation Export From Alaskan Arctic Watershed. Hydrobiologia 240. Hydrobiologia (1992): 15-22. doi:10.1007/BF00013448.
Rastetter, Edward B, R. B McKane, Gaius R Shaver, and Jerry M Melillo. Changes In C Storage By Terrestrial Ecosystems: How C-N Interactions Restrict Responses To Co2 And Temperature. Water, Air And Soil Pollution 64, no. 1-2. Water, Air And Soil Pollution (1992): 327-344. doi:10.1007/BF00477109.
Rublee, P. A. Community Structure And Bottom-Up Regulation Of Heterotrophic Microplankton In Arctic Lter Lakes. Hydrobiologia 240. Hydrobiologia (1992): 133-142. doi:10.1007/BF00013458.
Hershey, A. E. Effects Of Experimental Fertilization On The Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Of An Arctic Lake. Journal Of The North American Benthological Society 11, no. 2. Journal Of The North American Benthological Society (1992): 204-217. doi:10.2307/1467386.
