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Journal Article
Jonasson, Sven, and Gaius R Shaver. Within-Stand Nutrient Cycling In Arctic And Boreal Wetlands. Ecology 80, no. 7. Ecology (1999): 2139-2150. doi:10.1890/0012-9658%281999%29080%5B2139%3AWSNCIA%5D2.0.CO%3B2.
Shaver, Gaius R. Woody Stem Production In Alaskan Tundra Shrubs. Ecology 67, no. 3. Ecology (1986): 660-669. doi:10.2307/1937690.
O'Brien, W. John, and D. Kettle. A Zooplankton Bioassay Chamber For Lab And Field Use. Journal Of Plankton Research 3. Journal Of Plankton Research (1981): 561-566. doi:10.1093/plankt/3.4.561.
O'Brien, W. John, and Chris Luecke. Zooplankton Community Structure In Arctic Ponds: Shifts Related To Pond Size. Arctic 64, no. 4. Arctic (2011): 483-487. doi:10.14430/arctic4148.
Euskirchen, E. S, and M. Sommerkorn. Feedbacks To Ecosystems And Climate. The Arctic Biodiversity Assessment. The Arctic Biodiversity Assessment. Akureyri, Iceland: Arctic Council - Department of Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna, 2013.
Shaver, Gaius R, and F Stuart Chapin III. Limiting Factors For Plant Growth In Northern Ecosystems. Future Directions For Research In Nouveau-Quebec, Mcgill Subarctic Research Paper No. 39. Future Directions For Research In Nouveau-Quebec, Mcgill Subarctic Research Paper No. 39. Montreal, QC: McGill University, 1984.
Miller, M. C, and John E Hobbie. R.a.t.e.-The Toolik Lake Program. Arctic Bulletin. Vol. 2. Arctic Bulletin, 1976.
Gibson, Rebecca. Analyzing Spectral Signatures As Rapid Indicators Of Leaf Biochemistry In Plants Of The Arctic Tundra. Department Of Ecology, Evolution And Environmental Biology. Department Of Ecology, Evolution And Environmental Biology. Columbia University, 2015.
Rich, Matthew E. Arctic Arthropod Communities In Habitats Of Differing Shrub Abundance. Department Of Biology. Department Of Biology. University of Texas at Arlington, 2012.
Harris-Coble, L. Arthropod Availability For Migratory Songbirds In Alaskan Tundra: Timing Of Abundance Of Aquatic And Terrestrial Sources. Department Of Ecology, Evolution And Environmental Biology. Department Of Ecology, Evolution And Environmental Biology. Columbia University, 2012.
