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MacIntyre, Sally. Describing Fluxes Within Lakes Using Temperature Arrays And Surface Meteorology. Vereinigung Verhandlungen International Limnologie 30. Vereinigung Verhandlungen International Limnologie (2008): 339-344. doi:10.1080/03680770.2008.11902139.
Greenwald, M. J, William B Bowden, Michael N Gooseff, J. P Zarnetske, James P McNamara, John H Bradford, and Troy R Brosten. Hyporheic Exchange And Water Chemistry Of Two Arctic Tundra Streams Of Contrasting Geomorphology. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 113, no. G02029. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences (2008): 14pp. doi:10.1029/2007jg000549.
Evans, Mary Anne, Sally MacIntyre, and George W Kling. Internal Wave Effects On Photosynthesis: Experiments, Theory And Modeling. Limnology And Oceanography 53. Limnology And Oceanography (2008): 339-353. doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.1.0339.
Luecke, Chris, and P. MacKinnon. Landscape Effects On Growth Of Age-0 Arctic Grayling In Tundra Streams. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 137, no. 1. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society (2008): 236-243. doi:10.1577/T05-039.1.
Gough, Laura, K. Shrestha, David R Johnson, and B. Moon. Long-Term Mammalian Herbivory And Nutrient Addition Alter Lichen Community Structure In Alaskan Dry Heath Tundra. Arctic, Antarctic And Alpine Research 40, no. 1. Arctic, Antarctic And Alpine Research (2008): 65-73. doi:10.1657/1523-0430(06-087)%5BGough%5D2.0.Co;2.
Lambers, H., J. A Raven, Gaius R Shaver, and S. E Smith. Plant Nutrient-Acquisition Strategies Change With Soil Age. Trends In Ecology And Evolution 23, no. 2. Trends In Ecology And Evolution (2008): 95-103. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2007.10.008.
Bowden, William B, Michael N Gooseff, A. Balser, A. C Green, Bruce J Peterson, and John H Bradford. Sediment And Nutrient Delivery From Thermokarst Features In The Foothills Of The North Slope, Alaska: Potential Impacts On Headwater Stream Ecosystems. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 113, no. G02026. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences (2008): 12 pp. doi:10.1029/2007jg000470.
Wan, Z., J. J Vallino, and Bruce J Peterson. Study Of The Inter-Annual Food Web Dynamics In The Kuparuk River With A First Order Approximation Inverse Model. Ecological Modelling 211, no. 1-2. Ecological Modelling (2008): 97-112. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2007.08.022.
Rocha, Adrian V, and Gaius R Shaver. Advantages Of A Two Band Evi Calculated From Solar And Photosynthetically Active Radiation Fluxes. Agricultural And Forest Meteorology 149, no. 9. Agricultural And Forest Meteorology (2009): 1560-1563. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2009.03.016.
Schiesari, L., E. E Werner, and George W Kling. Carnivory And Resource-Based Niche Differentiation In Anuran Larvae: Implications For Food Web And Experimental Ecology. Freshwater Biology 54, no. 3. Freshwater Biology (2009): 572-586. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2008.02134.x.
Crump, Byron C, Bruce J Peterson, Peter A Raymond, Rainer MW Amon, Amanda Rinehart, James W McClelland, and Robert M Holmes. Circumpolar Synchrony In Big River Bacterioplankton. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences 106, no. 50. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences (2009): 21208-21212. doi:10.1073/pnas.0906149106.
MacIntyre, Sally, J. P Fram, Neil D Bettez, W. John O'Brien, John E Hobbie, and George W Kling. Climate Related Variations In Mixing Dynamics Of An Alaskan Arctic Lake. Limnology And Oceanography 54. Limnology And Oceanography (2009): 2401-2417. doi:10.4319/lo.2009.54.6_part_2.2401.
