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McDonald, M. E, C. A Tikkanen, R. P Axler, C. P Larsen, and G. Host. Fish Simulation Culture Model (Fis-C): A Bioenergetics Based Model For Aquacultural Wasteload Application. Aquacultural Engineering 15, no. 4. Aquacultural Engineering (1996): 243-259. doi:10.1016/0144-8609(96)00260-9.
McDonald, M. E, B. E Cuker, and S. C Mozley. Distribution, Production, And Age Structure Of Slimy Sculpin In An Arctic Lake. Environmental Biology Of Fishes 7, no. 2. Environmental Biology Of Fishes (1982): 171-176. doi:10.1007/BF00001788.
McGraw, James B, J. B Turner, J. L Chandler, and M. C Vavrek. Disturbances As Hot Spots Of Ecotypic Variation: A Case Study With Dryas Octopetala. Arctic, Antarctic And Alpine Research 46. Arctic, Antarctic And Alpine Research (2014): 542-547. doi:10.1657/1938-4246-46.3.542.
McGraw, James B, and Gaius R Shaver. Seedling Density And Seedling Survival In Alaskan Cotton Grass Tussock Tundra. Holarctic Ecology 5, no. 2. Holarctic Ecology (1982): 212-217. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0587.1982.tb01039.x.
McGraw, James B, Jessica B Turner, Jennifer L Chandler, and Milan C Vavrek. Disturbances As Hot Spots Of Ecotypic Variation: A Case Study With \Textit{Dryas Octopetala. Arctic, Antarctic, And Alpine Research 46. Arctic, Antarctic, And Alpine Research (2014): 542–547. doi:10.1657/1938-4246-46.3.542.
McGuigan, M. A, Jesse S Krause, Helen E Chmura, Jonathan H Perez, Laura Gough, Natalie T Boelman, M. Ramenofsky, and John C Wingfield. Spatial Habitat Use Post-Breeding: A Radio-Telemetry Study In Gambel’s White-Crowned Sparrows. Society For Integrative And Comparative Biology, Annual Meeting. Society For Integrative And Comparative Biology, Annual Meeting. Sacramento, CA, January 2015, 2015.
A McGuire, David, and John E Hobbie. Global Climate Change And The Equilibrium Responses Of Carbon Storage In Arctic And Subarctic Regions. In Arctic System Science Modeling Workshop Report, 47-48. Workshop Report. Arctic System Science Modeling Workshop Report. Fairbanks,AK: Arctic Research Consortium of the United States, 1998.
McKane, R. B, Edward B Rastetter, Gaius R Shaver, K. J Nadelhoffer, Anne E Giblin, J. A Laundre, and F Stuart Chapin III. Climatic Effects On Tundra Carbon Storage Inferred From Experimental Data And A Model. Ecology 78, no. 4. Ecology (1997): 1170-1187. doi:10.1890/0012-9658%281997%29078%5B1170%3ACEOTCS%5D2.0.CO%3B2.
McKane, R. B, Edward B Rastetter, Gaius R Shaver, K. J Nadelhoffer, Anne E Giblin, J. A Laundre, and F Stuart Chapin III. Reconstruction And Analysis Of Historical Changes In Carbon Storage In Arctic Tundra. Ecology 78, no. 4. Ecology (1997): 1188-1198. doi:10.1890/0012-9658%281997%29078%5B1188%3ARAAOHC%5D2.0.CO%3B2.
McKinley, V. L, T. W Federle, and J. R Vestal. Effects Of Petroleum Hydrocarbons On Plant Litter Microbiota In An Arctic Lake. Applied And Environmental Microbiology 43. Applied And Environmental Microbiology (1982): 129-135.
McKinley, V. L. Effect Of Hydrocarbons And Ph On Litter Decomposition And Primary Production In An Arctic Lake. Department Of Biological Sciences. Department Of Biological Sciences. University of Cincinnati, 1981.
McKinley, V. L, and J. R Vestal. Effects Of Acid On Plant Litter Decomposition In An Arctic Lake. Applied And Environmental Microbiology 43. Applied And Environmental Microbiology (1982): 1188-1195.
McKnight, D. M, Michael N Gooseff, W. F Vincent, and Bruce J Peterson. High-Latitude Rivers And Streams. In Polar Lakes And Rivers: Limnology Of Arctic And Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystems., 83-102. Polar Lakes And Rivers: Limnology Of Arctic And Antarctic Aquatic Ecosystems. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
Mclaren, Jennie R, and Laura Gough. Effects Of Increasing Shrub Abundance On Litter Production And Decomposition In Arctic Tundra. Ecological Society Of America, Annual Meeting. Ecological Society Of America, Annual Meeting. Sacramento, CA, 2014.
