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Rastetter, Edward B, R. B McKane, Gaius R Shaver, K. J Nadelhoffer, and Anne E Giblin. Analysis Of Co2, Temperature, And Moisture Effects On Carbon Storage In Alaskan Arctic Tundra Using A General Ecosystem Model. In Global Change And Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems, 349-364. Global Change And Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems. NY: Springer-Verlag, 1997.
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Shaver, Gaius R, K. J Nadelhoffer, and Anne E Giblin. Biogeochemical Diversity And Element Transport In A Heterogeneous Landscape, The North Slope Of Alaska. In Quantitative Methods In Landscape Ecology, 105-126. Quantitative Methods In Landscape Ecology. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1990.
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Shaver, Gaius R, J. A Laundre, Syndonia M Bret-Harte, F Stuart Chapin III, Anne E Giblin, Laura Gough, Sarah E Hobbie, Edward B Rastetter, et al.. Terrestrial Ecosystems At Toolik Lake, Alaska. In A Changing Arctic: Ecological Consequences For Tundra, Streams And Lakes, 90-142. A Changing Arctic: Ecological Consequences For Tundra, Streams And Lakes. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2014. doi:10.1093/acprof:osobl/9780199860401.003.0005.
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