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Stieglitz, M., Stephen J Déry, V. E Romanovsky, and T. E Osterkamp. The Role Of Snow Cover In The Warming Of Arctic Permafrost. Geophysical Research Letters 30, no. 13. Geophysical Research Letters (2003): 1721. doi:10.1029/2003GL017337.
Stieglitz, M., R. B McKane, and C. A Klausmeier. A Simple Model For Analyzing Climatic Effects On Terrestrial Carbon And Nitrogen Dynamics: An Arctic Case Study. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 20, no. 3. Global Biogeochemical Cycles (2006): GB3016. doi:10.1029/2005GB002603.
Stieglitz, M., Anne E Giblin, John E Hobbie, Mathew W Williams, and George W Kling. Simulating The Effects Of Climate Change And Climate Variability On Carbon Dynamics In Arctic Tundra. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 14, no. 4. Global Biogeochemical Cycles (2000): 1123-1136. doi:10.1029/1999GB001214.
Stieglitz, M., John E Hobbie, Anne E Giblin, and George W Kling. Hydrologic Modeling Of An Arctic Watershed: Towards Pan-Arctic Predictions. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 104, no. D22. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (1999): 27507-27518. doi:10.1029/1999JD900845.
Stieglitz, M., and Jason E Smerdon. Characterizing Land-Atmosphere Coupling And The Implications For Subsurface Thermodynamics. Journal Of Climate 20, no. 1. Journal Of Climate (2007): 21-37. doi:10.1175/JCLI3982.1.
Stieglitz, M., A. Ducharne, R. D Koster, and M. J Suarez. The Impact Of Detailed Snow Physics On The Simulation Of Snow Cover And Subsurface Thermodynamics At Continental Scales. Journal Of Hydrometeorology 2, no. 3. Journal Of Hydrometeorology (2001): 228-242. doi:10.1175/1525-7541(2001)002<0228%3ATIODSP>2.0.CO%3B2.
Suding, Katharine N, Scott L Collins, Laura Gough, C. M Clark, E. E Cleland, K. L Gross, D. G Milchunas, and S. C Pennings. Functional- And Abundance-Based Mechanisms Explain Diversity Loss Due To N Fertilization. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences 102, no. 12. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences (2005): 4387-4392. doi:10.1073/pnas.0408648102.
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Sweet, Shannan K, Natalie T Boelman, and Laura Gough. Tall Deciduous Shrubs Offset Delayed Start Of Growing Season Through Rapid Leaf Development In The Alaskan Arctic Tundra. Arctic, Antarctic And Alpine Research 46, no. 3. Arctic, Antarctic And Alpine Research (2014). doi:10.1657/1938-4246-46.3.682.
Sweet, Shannan K, Ashley Asmus, Matthew E Rich, Laura Gough, and Natalie T Boelman. Ndvi As A Predictor Of Canopy Arthropod Biomass In The Alaskan Arctic Tundra. Ecological Applications 25, no. 3. Ecological Applications (2015): 779-790. doi:10.1890/14-0632.1.
