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Arscott, David B, William B Bowden, and Jacques C Finlay. Comparison Of Epilithic Algal And Bryophyte Metabolism In An Arctic Tundra Stream, Alaska. Journal Of The North American Benthological Society 17, no. 2. Journal Of The North American Benthological Society (1998): 210-227. doi:10.2307/1467963.
F Stuart Chapin III, James B McGraw, and Gaius R Shaver. Competition Causes Regular Spacing Of Alder In Alaskan Shrub Tundra. Oecologia 79, no. 3. Oecologia (1989): 412-416. doi:10.1007/BF00384322.
Dzialowski, A. R, and W. John O'Brien. Is Competition Important To Arctic Zooplankton Community Structure?. Freshwater Biology 49, no. 9. Freshwater Biology (2004): 1103-1111. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2004.01250.x.
Ramirez, Kelly S, Joseph M Craine, and Noah Fierer. Consistent Effects Of Nitrogen Amendments On Soil Microbial Communities And Processes Across Biomes. Global Change Biology 18, no. 6. Global Change Biology (2012): 1918-1927. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2012.02639.x.
Peterson, Bruce J, John E Hobbie, T. L Corliss, and K. Kriet. A Continuous-Flow Periphyton Bioassay: Tests Of Nutrient Limitation In A Tundra Stream. Limnology And Oceanography 28. Limnology And Oceanography (1983): 583-591. doi:10.4319/lo.1983.28.3.0583.
Weiss, M., Sarah E Hobbie, and Gretchen M Gettel. Contrasting Responses Of Nitrogen-Fixation In Arctic Lichens To Experimental And Ambient Nitrogen And Phosphorus Availability. Arctic, Antarctic And Alpine Research 37, no. 3. Arctic, Antarctic And Alpine Research (2005): 396-401. doi:10.1657/1523-0430%282005%29037%5B0396%3ACRONIA%5D2.0.CO%3B2.
Jiang, Yueyang, Adrian V Rocha, John A O'Donnell, Jessica A Drysdale, Edward B Rastetter, and Gaius R Shaver. Contrasting Soil Thermal Responses To Fire In Alaskan Tundra And Boreal Forest. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 120, no. 2. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface (2015): 363-378. doi:10.1002/2014jf003180.
Douma, J. C, M. T van Wijk, and Gaius R Shaver. The Contribution Of Mosses To The Carbon And Water Exchange Of Arctic Ecosystems: Quantification And Relationship With System Properties. Plant, Cell And Environment 30. Plant, Cell And Environment (2007): 1205-1215. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2007.01697.x.
