Data Sets by LTER or Collaborating Project
Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tundra, Toolik Field Station, Alaska, Arctic LTER 1999.
Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tundra, Toolik Field Station, Alaska, Arctic LTER 1999.
Daily weather data file for Arctic Tundra LTER site at Toolik Lake, Arctic LTER 1999.
Daily weather data file for Arctic Tundra LTER site at Toolik Lake. Included are daily averages and/or maximums and minimums of air, soil and lake temperature, wind speed, vapor pressure, and sum...
Hourly weather data from Toolik Field Station, ARC LTER, Alaska for 1999.
Hourly weather data from the Arctic Tundra LTER site at Toolik Lake. The following parameters are measured every minute and averaged or totaled every hour: air temperature and relative humidity at...
Hourly weather data from the Arctic LTER Moist Acidic Tussock Experimental plots from 1990 to 1999, Toolik Field Station, North Slope, Alaska.
Hourly weather data from the LTER Moist Acidic Tussock Experimental plots. The station was installed in 1990 in block 2 of the Toolik LTER experimental moist acidic tussock plots. The plots are...
Pre-labeled dissolved inorganic carbon, carbon dioxide, and methane from experiemental plots near Toolik Lake, AK from 2000
Dissolved inorganic carbon, carbon dioxide, and methane in waters from pre-labeled wet sedge plots near Toolik Lake, AK during the summer of 2000.
Time-series of 5 minute water temperatures averages from Toolik Lake, Toolik Field Station, Alaska, Summer 2000.
Time-series of temperatures were measured using self-contained temperature loggers on taut-line moorings with a subsurface float 1 m below the air-water. Theses are the 5 minute averages of 10...
Bacterial Production Data for lakes and lake inlets/outlets samples collected summer 2000, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.
Yearly file containing information on bacterial productivity. Samples were collected at various sites near Toolik Research Station (68 38'N, 149 36'W). Sample site descriptors include an assigned...
Percent carbon, percent nitrogen, del13C and del15N of above ground plant and belowground stem biomass samples from experimental plots in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tundra, 2000, Arctic LTER, Toolik Lake, Alaska.
Percent carbon, percent nitrogen, del13C and del15N were measured from above ground plant and belowground stem biomass samples from experimental plots in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tundra...
Above ground plant biomass in a mesic acidic tussock tundra experimental site from 1982 to 2000 Arctic LTER, Toolik Lake, Alaska.
Above ground plant biomass and leaf area were measured in a moist acidic tussock tundra experimental site. The plots were set up in 1981 and have been harvested in periodical (See Shaver and...
Leaf area for select species was measured in arctic tundra experimental sites from late June into early August,Toolik Field Sattion, Alaska, Arctic LTER 2000.
Leaf area for select species was measured in arctic tundra experimental sites from late June into early August. Measurements were made in acidic and non acidic tussock tundra and in shrub tundra...