Data Sets by LTER or Collaborating Project
Growth data was collected on four graminoid species on Arctic LTER experimental plots in moist acidic tussock and dry heath tundra 2004, Toolik Field Station, Alaska.
Weekly growth of plant species of three growth forms were measured in the ninth year of a long-term experiment at Toolik Field Station. The experimental treatments excluded small and large...
Methane flux from experiemental plots near Toolik Lake, AK from 2004
The methane fluxes from tussock tundra and wet sedge plots near Toolik Lake, AK during the summer of 2004.
Percent C, Percent N and C:N ratio for leaf samples from ITEX flux survey plots for 2003-2004, Toolik Alaska.
Foliar carbon and nitrogen concentrations of the dominant species from within the ITEX flux survey plots 2003-2004. Plots were located in the Toolik Lake LTER moist acidic tussock experiment...
Toolik Inlet Discharge Data collected in summer 2004, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.
Stream discharge, temperature, and conductivity of Toolik Inlet during the 2004 study season. Discharge measurements were taken throughout each season to determine the stage-discharge...
Bacterial Production Data for lakes and lake inlets/outlets samples collected summer 2004, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.
Yearly file containing information on bacterial productivity. Samples were collected at various sites near Toolik Research Station (68 38'N, 149 36'W). Sample site descriptors include an assigned...
Time-series of 5 minute water temperatures averages from Lake E6 near Toolik Field Station, Alaska Summer 2004.
Time-series of temperatures were measured using self-contained temperature loggers on taut-line moorings with a subsurface float 1 m below the air-water. Data are 5 minute averages of 10 second...
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 2004
Tussock Watershed stream discharge, electrical conductivity, and temperature measurements from 2004.
Time-series of 5 minute water temperatures averages from Lake E5 near Toolik Field Station, Alaska Summer 2004.
Time-series of temperatures were measured using self-contained temperature loggers on taut-line moorings with a subsurface float 1 m below the air-water.of water temperatures at several depths...
Water temperatures from Toolik Lake in Summer 2004.
Time series at 5 minute intervals of water temperatures at several depths from a
moored chain of thermistors. -
Hourly weather data from Toolik Field Station, ARC LTER, Alaska for 2003.
Hourly weather data from the Arctic Tundra LTER site at Toolik Lake. The following parameters are measured every minute and averaged or totaled every hour: air temperature and relative humidity at...