Data Sets by LTER or Collaborating Project
Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra regrowth after a thermal erosion event: Simulation J - doubled Phase II decomposition
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs...
Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Undisturbed tussock tundra
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs...
Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra regrowth after a thermal erosion event: Simulation H - increased N and P deposition
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs...
Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra regrowth after a thermal erosion event: Simulation B - increased Phase I soil organic matter
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs...
Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra recovery after a thermal erosion event
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs...
Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra regrowth after a thermal erosion event: Simulation F - increased N deposition
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs...
Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra regrowth after a thermal erosion event: Simulation D - reduced Phase I and Phase II soil organic matter
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs...
Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra recovery after a thermal erosion event: saturating nutrients.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs...
The role of down-slope water and nutrient fluxes in the response of Arctic hill slopes to climate change, output from MBLGEMIII for typical tussock-tundra hill slope near Toolik Field Station, Alaska.
Output data sets of the MBL-GEM III model for a typical tussock-tundra hill slope. The model is described in two papers:
Le Dizès, S., Kwiatkowski B.L., Rastetter E.B., Hope A., Hobbie J....
Long term response of arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features: A modeling analysis. Tussock tundra regrowth after a thermal erosion event: Simulation E - reduced Phase I soil organic matter
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs...