Fixes and updates:
-   and other non printing characters
- tidyXml was not cleaning up the   but will if adding an option of 'utf8' And if the text from plain text content then tidy library is not loaded so added additional cleanup
- The second line of a person's address is not added to the eml address field See Github commit
- Repopulating the cache_lter_unit table
- Update to Ubuntu 16.04 thus php 7
- Needed then to updated modules that had issues with php 7
- And many secruity updates
- Taxa
- ORCID See Github
- Project modifications for rendering eml funding information and funding numbers. Still need to test the code on other sites and do a pull request on github.
- CVS to Variables
- File HASH and number of records
- Disable update of revision number on save
- Adding a link to a text field( e.g DOI)
- Citation suggestion for data set