Burn Terrestrial Data
Abstract | |
Michelle Mack, 2011 Burned soil surface radiocarbon values for moss macrofossils plucked from the Anaktuvuk River Fire sites. 10.6073/pasta/728ade46a3372446d391943c97141949 |
We used radiocarbon dating of the organic soil surface remaining post-fire to examine whether the fire burned into ancient and likely irreplaceable soil C pools. Suprisingly, it did not; all radiocarbon dates from burned soil surfaces contained bomb carbon, setting the maximum age of the burned soil surfaces at ~50 years. |
Michelle Mack, 2011 Characterization of burned and unburned moist acidic tundra soils for estimating C and N loss from the 2007 Anaktuvuk River Fire, sampled in 2008.. 10.6073/pasta/9043cfa962143905d03b4ab67acc8fa7 |
This file contains the soil profile data for burned and unburned moist acidic tundra sites used to estimate C and N loss from the Anaktuvuk River Fire (2007). These sites were sampled in summer of 2008. Unburned sites were used to develop a method for estimating soil organic layer depth and plant biomass, and for determining the characteristics of unburned soil organic layers. In burned sites, we characterized residual organic soils and used biometric measurements of tussocks to reconstruct pre-fire soil organic layer depth. |
Michelle Mack, 2011 Estimates of C and N loss from moist acidic tundra sites burned in the 2007 Anaktuvuk River Fire.. 10.6073/pasta/92512f58a584bca14ceaf04d062f8ee5 |
Estimated mean pre-fire C and N pools, and C and N loss from 20 sites in the Anaktuvuk River Fire (2007). These sites were sampled in summer of 2008. In each site, we characterized residual organic soils and used biometric relationships developed in unburned sites to reconstruct pre-fire soil organic layer depth, and plant and soil C and N pools. We then estimated fire-driven losses of C and N from plant and soil organic layer pools. |
Gaius Shaver, Adrian V Rocha, 2011 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, 2009 Severe Burn Site, North Slope Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/5554a6eda8082f933709e547811b85dc |
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e. severely-, moderately-, and un-burned tundra) to monitor post fire Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2 (NEE) within the large 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar during the summer of 2008. This data represents the 2009 post fire energy and mass exchange at the severe burn site. |
Gaius Shaver, Adrian V Rocha, 2013 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, 2012 Moderate Burn Site, North Slope Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/b5c015dbf57ba3b3ec3ee1d95a663fc5 |
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e. severely-, moderately-, and un-burned tundra) to monitor post fire Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2 (NEE) within the large 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar during the summer of 2008. This data represents the 2012 post fire energy and mass exchange at the moderate burn site. |
Gaius Shaver, Adrian V Rocha, 2013 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, 2011 Moderate Burn Site, North Slope Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/f7e7d023fbac22d83ad0c2e4ce191650 |
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e. severely-, moderately-, and un-burned tundra) to monitor post fire Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2 (NEE) within the large 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar during the summer of 2008. This data represents the 2011 post fire energy and mass exchange at the moderate burn site. |
Gaius Shaver, Adrian V Rocha, 2011 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, 2010 Unburned Site, North Slope Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/ff790bd426b262aa7d818ad7f0b2d2a4 |
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e. severely-, moderately-, and un-burned tundra) to monitor post fire Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2 (NEE) within the large 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar during the summer of 2008. This data represents the 2010 post fire energy and mass exchange at the unburned site. |
Gaius Shaver, Adrian V Rocha, 2011 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, 2009 Unburned Site, North Slope Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/aeb3845bf779ca10f13930e1d6c90105 |
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e. severely-, moderately-, and un-burned tundra) to monitor post fire Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2 (NEE) within the large 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar during the summer of 2008. This data represents the 2009 post fire energy and mass exchange at the unburned site. |
Gaius Shaver, Adrian V Rocha, 2010 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, 2008 Moderate Burn Site, North Slope Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/19e3802d6738c4b30cf09188a2551b10 |
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e. severely-, moderately-, and un-burned tundra) to monitor post fire Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2 (NEE) within the large 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar during the summer of 2008. This data represents the first post fire growing season's energy and mass exchange at the moderate burn site. |
Gaius Shaver, Adrian V Rocha, 2011 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, 2010 Moderate Burn Site, North Slope Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/abee3157f007a794edb3414e1280d71b |
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e. severely-, moderately-, and un-burned tundra) to monitor post fire Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2 (NEE) within the large 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar during the summer of 2008. This data represents the 2010 post fire energy and mass exchange at the moderate burn site. |
Gaius Shaver, Adrian V Rocha, 2011 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, 2009 Moderate Burn Site, North Slope Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/3d912564439309bdf17bc75866179312 |
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e. severely-, moderately-, and un-burned tundra) to monitor post fire Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2 (NEE) within the large 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar during the summer of 2008. This data represents the 2009 post fire energy and mass exchange at the moderate burn site. |
Gaius Shaver, Adrian V Rocha, 2013 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, 2012 Unburned Site, North Slope Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/67188afe29827f8b3c0277753b2a956a |
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e. severely-, moderately-, and un-burned tundra) to monitor post fire Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2 (NEE) within the large 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar during the summer of 2008. This data represents the 2012 post fire energy and mass exchange at the unburned site. |
Gaius Shaver, Adrian V Rocha, 2013 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, 2011 Unburned Site, North Slope Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/913d3843eb71f27bac3f9c97df61573e |
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e. severely-, moderately-, and un-burned tundra) to monitor post fire Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2 (NEE) within the large 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar during the summer of 2008. This data represents the 2011 post fire energy and mass exchange at the unburned site. |
Gaius Shaver, Adrian V Rocha, 2013 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, 2011 Severe Burn Site, North Slope Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/d384b812a12e5cfa7fdbb4032cf1abb2 |
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e. severely-, moderately-, and un-burned tundra) to monitor post fire Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2 (NEE) within the large 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar during the summer of 2008. This data represents the 2011 post fire energy and mass exchange at the severe burn site. |
Michelle Mack, 2011 Characterization of burned and unburned moist acidic tundra sites for estimating C and N loss from the 2007 Anaktuvuk River Fire, sampled in 2008.. 10.6073/pasta/81868b65c853d5eb2052d9f1a8397d0d |
Burned and unburned moist acidic tundra sites used to estimate C and N loss from the Anaktuvuk River Fire (2007). These sites were sampled in summer of 2008. Unburned sites were used to develop a method for estimating soil organic layer depth and plant biomass, and for determining the characteristics of unburned soil organic layers. In burned sites, we characterized residual organic soils and used biometric measurements of tussocks to reconstruct pre-fire soil organic layer depth. |
Adrian V Rocha, Gaius Shaver, 2015 Anaktuvuk River fire scar thaw depth measurements during the 2008 to 2014 growing season. 10.6073/pasta/93121fc86e6fbcf88de4a9350609aed6 |
The Anaktuvuk River Fire occurred in 2007 on the North Slope of Alaska. In 2008, three eddy covariance towers were established at sites represent ing unburned tundra, moderately burned tundra, and severely burned tundra. Several times during the 2008-2014 growing seasons, thaw depth was measured at approximately 70 points near each of these towers . Data presented here are the individual measurements for each site and date. |
Gaius Shaver, James A Laundre, 2023 Summer soil temperature and moisture at the Anaktuvuk River Moderately burned site from 2010 to 2013. 10.6073/pasta/6efb5c5e73e83ac58692b0e5ec23730e |
Soil moisture and temperature were recorded at the Anaktuvuk River burn area during the summers from 2010 to 2013. Six sensors were deployed and measured temperature on half-hourly intervals over the summer and into the fall depending on battery function. Sensors were place in a hexagonal shape around a central datalogger. Note that over time sensor depths changed due to frost heave and other environmental factors. All data contained should be treated as suspect where sensors may have been at surface. These sensors were removed August 20, 2013, no replacement sensors were installed. |
Gaius Shaver, James A Laundre, 2014 Summer soil temperature and moisture at the Anaktuvuk River Unburned site from 2010 to 2013. 10.6073/pasta/13cfe1cfa528cb7fe15bd8fb672b68d3 |
Soil moisture and temperature were recorded at the Anaktuvuk River burn area during the summers from 2010 to 2013. Six sensors were deployed and measured temperature on half-hourly intervals over the summer and into the fall depending on battery function. Sensors were place in a hexagonal shape around a central datalogger. Note that over time sensor depths changed due to frost heave and other environmental factors. All data contained should be treated as suspect where sensors may have been at surface. These sensors were removed August 23, 2013, no replacement sensors were installed. |
Gaius Shaver, James A Laundre, 2014 Summer soil temperature and moisture at the Anaktuvuk River Severely burned site from 2010 to 2013. 10.6073/pasta/3094e3e293703580c95e17ddce51af65 |
Soil moisture and temperature were recorded at the Anaktuvuk River burn area during the summers from 2010 to 2013. Six sensors were deployed and measured temperature on half-hourly intervals over the summer and into the fall depending on battery function. Sensors were place in a hexagonal shape around a central data logger. Note that over time sensor depths changed due to frost heave and other environmental factors. All data contained should be treated as suspect where sensors may have been at surface. These sensors were removed August 20, 2013, no replacement sensors were installed. |
M. Syndonia Bret-Harte, Michelle Mack, Gaius Shaver, 2013 Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass of samples from the moderately burned site at Anaktuvuk River, Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/6646ac57a7397b9c8d1a2dc3c95a566c |
Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass were measured in 2011 from three sites at and around the Anaktuvuk River Burn: severely burned, moderately burned and unburned. These samples were analyzed for carbon and nitrogen concentrations. |
Michelle Mack, M. Syndonia Bret-Harte, Gaius Shaver, 2013 Summary of below ground root biomass, carbon and nitrogen concentrations from the Anaktuvuk River Fire site in 2011. 10.6073/pasta/9ae19f41326bf63e8d4335d78d4a70d4 |
A summary of below ground root biomass, carbon and nitrogen concentrations, measured at three sites at and around the Anaktuvuk River Burn: severely burned, moderately burned and unburned. |
Michelle Mack, M. Syndonia Bret-Harte, Gaius Shaver, 2013 Soil properties and nutrient concentrations by depth from the Anaktuvuk River Fire site in 2011. 10.6073/pasta/85a9e76b5d579298bc21b19a25b35c38 |
Below ground soil bulk density, carbon and nitrogen was measured at various depth increments in mineral and organic soil layers at three sites at and around the Anaktuvuk River Burn: severely burned, moderately burned and unburned. This data corresponds with the aboveground biomass and root biomass data files: 2011ARF_AbvgroundBiomassCN, 2011ARF_RootBiomassCN_byDepth, 2011ARF_RootBiomassCN_byQuad, 2011ARF_RootBiomassCN_byQuad. |
M. Syndonia Bret-Harte, Michelle Mack, Gaius Shaver, 2013 Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass of samples from the severely burned site of the Anaktuvuk River fire, Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/7f609c982e2e6880f63bab4c3bd5af8d |
Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass were measured in 2011 from three sites at and around the Anaktuvuk River Burn: severely burned, moderately burned and unburned. These samples were analyzed for carbon and nitrogen concentrations. |
Michelle Mack, M. Syndonia Bret-Harte, Gaius Shaver, 2013 Below ground soil carbon and nitrogen concentrations in quadrats harvested from the Anaktuvuk River Fire site in 2011. 10.6073/pasta/ab77e5fe897f697372048e9b9ca2c216 |
Summarized below ground soil carbon and nitrogen concentrations measured in quadrats at three sites at and around the Anaktuvuk River Burn: severely burned, moderately burned and unburned. This data corresponds with the aboveground biomass and root biomass data files: 2011ARF_AbvgroundBiomassCN, 2011ARF_RootBiomassCN_byDepth, 2011ARF_RootBiomassCN_byQuad, 2011ARF_SoilCN_byDepth. |
Michelle Mack, M. Syndonia Bret-Harte, Gaius Shaver, 2013 Below ground root biomass, carbon and nitrogen concentrations by depth increments from the Anaktuvuk River Fire site in 2011. 10.6073/pasta/7a21a62a4144c3c1d9a3750926bfc6a7 |
Below ground root biomass was measured by depth increments at three sites at and around the Anaktuvuk River Burn: severely burned, moderately burned and unburned. Roots were also analyzed for carbon and nitrogen concentrations. |
M. Syndonia Bret-Harte, Michelle Mack, Gaius Shaver, 2013 Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass of samples from the unburned control site near the Anaktuvuk River fire scar.. 10.6073/pasta/18fcdcaf43451b70610d55da6475b397 |
Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass were measured in 2011 from three sites at and around the Anaktuvuk River Burn: severely burned, moderately burned and unburned. These samples were analyzed for carbon and nitrogen concentrations. |
Adrian V Rocha, Gaius Shaver, 2015 Anaktuvuk River fire scar eriophorum vaginatum flowering during the 2008-2014 growing seasons. 10.6073/pasta/dd7955138eb963a847b861242390a48c |
The Anaktuvuk River Fire occurred in 2007 on the North Slope of Alaska. In 2008, three eddy covariance towers were established at sites representing unburned tundra, moderately burned tundra, and severely burned tundra. Eriophorum vaginatum flowers were counted from annual photographs of each site during peak flowering season (6/17-7/20). |
Gaius Shaver, Adrian V Rocha, 2010 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, 2008 Severe Burn Site, North Slope Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/724bd68e01ee9a59b05cdee5cfa14bbd |
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e. severely-, moderately-, and un-burned tundra) to monitor post fire Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2 (NEE) within the large 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar during the summer of 2008. This data represents the first post fire growing season's energy and mass exchange at the severe burn site. |
Adrian V Rocha, Gaius Shaver, 2013 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, 2012 Severe Burn Site, North Slope Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/ed412a2a1940af95ab4611212200a5c5 |
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e. severely-, moderately-, and un-burned tundra) to monitor post fire Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2 (NEE) within the large 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar during the summer of 2008. This data represents the 2012 post fire energy and mass exchange at the severe burn site. |
Adrian V Rocha, Gaius Shaver, 2015 Anaktuvuk River fire scar canopy reflectance spectra from the 2008-2014 growing seasons, North Slope Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/ce1f38604169aa052e288f9371a82e92 |
The Anaktuvuk River Fire occurred in 2007 on the North Slope of Alaska. In 2008, three eddy covariance towers were established at sites represent ing unburned tundra, moderately burned tundra, and severely burned tundra. During the 2008-2014 growing seasons, canopy vegetation within the footprint of each of these towers was scanned with a handheld spectrophotometer several times throughout the growing season. Average reflectance spectra per site and collection day are presented here. |
Adrian V Rocha, Gaius Shaver, 2011 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, 2010 Severe Burn Site, North Slope Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/2330a47db633130f0972bc134e714066 |
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e. severely-, moderately-, and un-burned tundra) to monitor post fire Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2 (NEE) within the large 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar during the summer of 2008. This data represents the 2010 post fire energy and mass exchange at the severe burn site. |
Adrian V Rocha, Gaius Shaver, 2010 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, 2008 Unburned Site, North Slope Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/48f728d2fe75541c8f4f6827ce8dc039 |
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e. severely-, moderately-, and un-burned tundra) to monitor post fire Net Ecosystem Exchange of CO2 (NEE) within the large 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar during the summer of 2008. This data represents the first post fire growing season's energy and mass exchange at the unburned site. |
Adrian V Rocha, 2020 Soil nutrient availability from the 2007 Anaktuvuk River, Alaska, USA fire scar during the 2016 growing season. 10.6073/pasta/e01c5678f825642da7d69260614bdcc2 |
This file contains plant-available |
Adrian V Rocha, 2020 Soil nutrient availability from the 2007 Anaktuvuk River, Alaska, USA fire scar during the 2019 growing season. 10.6073/pasta/76b71bb30f3a2c809eee79ac2023f652 |
This file contains plant-available |
Adrian V Rocha, 2020 Anaktuvuk River, Alaska, USA tussock tundra flowering in response to fire severity, 2008-2015. 10.6073/pasta/54a41c062a42c0538e2a0aa6dd347bdb |
Eriophorum vaginatum flower counts from annual photographs at the severe, moderate, and unburned Anaktuvuk River, Alaska, USA flux tower sites during |
Adrian V Rocha, 2020 Leaf area index (LAI) recorded from a nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and N+P fertilization experiment at the 2007 Anaktuvuk River, Alaska, USA fire scar during the 2016-2019 growing seasons. 10.6073/pasta/06559231aa04fd7fecd661f107985c8f |
This file contains leaf area index (LAI) measurements from an nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) |
Adrian V Rocha, 2020 Point-frame measurments from a nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and N+P fertilization experiment at the 2007 Anaktuvuk River, Alaska, USA fire scar during the 2016-2019 growing seasons. 10.6073/pasta/c28d78e8a3c11b52b38cf1f1c01dc671 |
This file contains point-frame measurements from a |
Adrian V Rocha, 2020 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, Unburned Site, North Slope Alaska, 2013-2019 . 10.6073/pasta/005b8212ff751d8ca30be3350c89bae2 |
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e. |
Adrian V Rocha, 2020 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, Moderate Site, North Slope Alaska, 2013-2019 . 10.6073/pasta/d9ae45785b04e4083f2429b88568f412 |
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e. |
Adrian V Rocha, 2020 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, Severe Site, North Slope Alaska, 2013-2019 . 10.6073/pasta/9525403adb8be60bc415f2130f3bda8e |
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e. |
Adrian V Rocha, 2021 Tussock height and diameter in moist acidic tussock tundra at the site of the 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar, and nearby unburned tundra measured in 2016. 10.6073/pasta/1dccd3fdb3aa693f9c2b69a24f8306ed |
This dataset consists of Eriophorum vaginatum tussock height and width (diameter) measurements, and was used to evaluate differences in physical strucutre of previously burned tundra (2007 Anaktuvuk River fire) and nearby unburned tundra. At each site, all tussocks that intersected four 100 meter transects were measured from soil surface to tussock top in four cardinal directions, and diameter was measured in two directions. |
Adrian V Rocha, 2021 Tussock (Eriophorum vaginatum) density, mortality, and rodent-herbivore activity in moist acidic tussock tundra at the site of the 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire and nearby unburned tundra, measured in 2019. 10.6073/pasta/d25053a5e3d579321688f20558e96753 |
This dataset consists of tussock density, mortality rates and causes, and an assesment of rodent-herbivore activity levels in previously burned (2007 Anaktuvuk River fire) and unburned tussock tundra. Eriophourm vaginatum tussocks were counted every meter within a 1 square meter quadrat along three transects. Cause of tussock mortality, as well as level of rodent herbivory was assessed for each tussock, and rodent herbivore activity was assessed for each quadrat. |
Adrian V Rocha, 2021 Leaf area index (LAI) by plant functional group in moist acidic tussock tundra, at the 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar measured in 2017. 10.6073/pasta/b844dc9b8092d7ceaffcaf80aa095ad2 |
This file contains leaf area index (LAI) based on biomass measurements from an aboveground pluck in the southern portion of the Anaktuvuk River fire scar, and a nearby unburned site in late July 2017. Vegetation was sampled randomly at 10-m intervals along two 100 meter transects at both the burned and unburned sites. Vegetation was sampled within a 10X40 cm quadrat to the mineral layer, and plant material was sorted into new and old aboveground leaf and woody biomass by species. |
Adrian V Rocha, 2021 Point-frame measurement of maximum canopy height for plant growth forms at the 2007 Anaktuvuk River Fire scar measured in 2019.. 10.6073/pasta/7afab2d1a528adc58b4a8f6c7d6216f5 |
This file contains maximum plant heights from point frame measurements made in the southern section of the 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar, at a severely burned site and a nearby unburned site. Pin-vegetation contact was recorded using a 0.56 m2 frame with 41 evenly spaced sampling points. Data were collected during peak green in summer 2019. |
Rebecca Rowe, 2021 Small mammal captures per 100 trap nights at the 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar and nearby unburned site, sampled in 2014, 2017-2019.. 10.6073/pasta/bf951abfd3b0c3c2946b411a2a2d93aa |
Small mammals (rodents and shrews) were sampled 7-12 years following the Anaktuvuk River Fire to examine how post-fire ecological changes influence small mammal abundance. Small mammals were snap-trapped in August 2014, 2017-2019 at the site of the 2007 Anaktuvuk River Fire, and a nearby unburned control site. At each site, 120 traps were set in 3 parallel lines spaced 40m apart. Each trap was spaced 10m apart, baited, and set to rodent sign within one meter of the trap station. Traps were checked the following two mornings with all captures collected and sprung traps reset. |
Laura Gough, 2021 Eriophorum vaginatum tiller nitrogen content at the 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar and nearby unburned tundra measured in 2019.. 10.6073/pasta/0daf62f03df4ebad013eb7849ba55e01 |
Tillers from 24 Eriophorum vaginatum individuals were sampled in late July 2019 to examine differences in percent nitrogen between previously burned (Anaktuvuk River Fire) and unburned tussocks at a nearby unburned control site. At the burned site tussocks exhibiting evidence of rodent grazing were also sampled to separate herbivore effects from those of the fire. From each tussock, 3-4 new leaves were sampled (as indicated by lack of brown tips) and dried at 60°C for 24 hours, before being ground and analyzed for percent nitrogen. |
Adrian V Rocha, 2021 Eriophorum vaginatum rhizome nitrogen content from the 2007 Anaktuvuk River fire scar measured in 2019.. 10.6073/pasta/2a1668c035b2b3f973e6d60b2084d12f |
This file contains Eriophorum vaginatum rhizome biomass from a 2017 biomass pluck of previously burned tundra (2007 Anaktuvuk River Fire) and nearby unburned tundra. Rhizome biomass from the pluck was combined with rhizome percent nitrogen estimates (2.47% at the Anaktuvuk River Fire, and 1.05% at the nearby unburned site) to estimate grams of nitrogen per meter squared, to evaluate differences in winter forage quality for the rodent herbivore, Microtus oeconomus. Percent nitrogen estimates were derived from pooled rhizome samples collected from the two sites in late 2018. |