Steps to install.
- Decide what module to use: Search API Solr Search or Search API Solr The Search API Solr module is ported to Drupal 8 so I decided on using it.
- Install Java. I opted to install java-8-oracle following this page.
- Find the right version of Solr. The latest solr is version 6.x.x ( which is not supported by Search API Solr. For drupal 7 maximum support Solr version is Solr 5.4.1. Solr 5 is now a stand-alone service and it's no longer necessary to run it in a container like Tomcat. I followed this page which gives a pretty good recipe for installing Solr. Solr is installed in /opt/solr and the data are stored in /var/solr. However I was confused by how to create the cores or configuration files. I used the ones provided by Search API Solr module and the following instructions on Installing Solr 5.x
- Core or configuration files: Below are modified instructions (in bold) for my setup where the solr installation is in /opt/solr and the data are in /var/solr
- The solr 5.x configuration files are located in the sites/all/modules/search_api_solr/solr-conf/5.x directory. Create a new folder structure in your Solr data directory with the path /var/solr/data/drupal/conf and copy all configuration files there. After coping you need to: sudo chown -R solr:solr /var/solr to change the owner to solr.
- Open localhost:8983 in a web browser to bring up the solr admin. Create a new core call drupal with an instancedir of drupal/conf (Note in ubunut 16.04 install I could only get it to work by leaving the instacedir blank0
- On the Drupal site go to admin/config/search/search_api and add a new server called Solr using the service of Apache Solr Search Server with the Solr path of /solr/drupal
- Change the Data Set Index provided by DEIMS to use the new Solr server. Index Now will index the site right away.
- The Power search is now very fast and wild cards can be used.
Note to restrict access to Solr by IP addresses I followed this (
Add your server IP and YOUR IP to the Solr server whitelist
vi /opt/solr/server/etc/jetty.xml
Search for:
<New id="Contexts" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandlerCollection"/>
Replace with:
<!-- Solr IP whitelist --> <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.IPAccessHandler"> <Call name="addWhite"> <Arg></Arg> </Call> <Call name="addWhite"> <Arg>YOUR.IP.ADDRESS.HERE</Arg> </Call> <Set name="handler"> <New id="Contexts" class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandlerCollection"/> </Set> </New> <!-- / Solr IP whitelist -->
Start Solr server
systemctl start solr.service or service solr start
Jim L