
Streams Insects
Ann Hershey, 2004 Total numbers and species of insects taken from rock scrubbings during the summer of 1984-1988, 1993-1994, 1996-1998, in the Kuparuk River experimental reach near Toolik Field Station, North Slope Alaska... 10.6073/pasta/8d387215e6c252119e628ac4e5acdbed
A rock-scrubbing technique was used to collect bottom samples at several different stations with three replicates at each station in the Kuparuk River. The stations are measured relative to the 1984 phosphorus dripper. Only July sampling dates are included in this file (ACG). The samples were preserved in ethanol then picked, sorted, counted, and measured in Duluth using a NIKON MICRO-PLAN II digitizing pad.
Alex Huryn, 2004 Total numbers per square meter and taxa of insects taken from the Kuparuk River during the summer of 2001, Arctic LTER 2001.. 10.6073/pasta/98b14e18d529573f7bca9e05dc0ad76a
A Surber sampler (25 X 25 cm frame fitted with a 243 um mesh net) was used to sample invertebrates at several different stations. Two replicates were taken from each station. The same sampling procedure was used for all dates. The stations were measured relative to the site of the dripper ("-" = upstream of the dripper). Samples were preserved in 4% formaldehyde and transported to Orono, Maine, where invertebrates were removed by hand under 15X magnification and then identified and counted. All values are converted to individuals per square meter.
Alex Huryn, 2004 Total numbers per square meter and taxa of insects taken during a survey of headwater streams in the Toolik Lake region during the summer of 2001, Arctic LTER 2001.. 10.6073/pasta/7a6829a22653bc7f164576721272cb35
A Surber sampler (25 X 25 cm frame fitted with a 243 um mesh net) was used to sample invertebrates on a single date at each site. Five replicates were taken from at least two riffles at each site. Samples were preserved in 4% formaldehyde and transported to Orono, Maine, where invertebrates were removed by hand under 15X magnification and then identified and counted. All values are the mean of five replicates and have been converted to individuals per square meter.
Alex Huryn, 2022 Invertebrate Community Asemblage from the Arctic LTER Upper Kuparuk River Reference (2001-2012) and Fertilized Reach (2002-2016), Toolik Field Station, Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/7f281726bfa59df3928b774c5baa6cb3
Surber sampler (25 X 25 cm frame fitted with a 243 um mesh net) was used to sample invertebrates at on the Kuparuk River in Reference (2001-2012) and Fertilized Reach (2002-2016) reach.
Terrestrial Invertebrates
Laura Gough, 2012 Abundance of major taxonomic groups of invertebrates (arthropods and gastropods) collected with pitfall traps at four sites near Toolik Field Station Arctic LTER, Alaska in the summer of 2010.. 10.6073/pasta/d6bf5986e484a45166e1ffb250031f9d
Invertebrates (spiders, insects and slugs) were collected weekly using pitfall traps at four sites near the Arctic LTER at Toolik Field Station, Alaska. Traps were placed along transects in shrub (shrub-dominant) and open (tussock-dominant) tundra sites. Pitfall traps were placed for 48-hour intervals once per week from early June until mid-July 2010. Collected invertebrates were counted and identified to class (all invertebrates), order or family (for some of the most common families collected).
Ashley Asmus, Laura Gough, 2014 Weekly biomass and abundance of sweepnet-captured aboveground arthropods at four sites near Toolik Field Station, Alaska, summers 2010-2014. 10.6073/pasta/7aac60b678f218cfd8d7ac8c1f200eac
The abundance and dry biomass of canopy-dwelling arthropods (insects and small spiders) was tracked over five summers (2010-2014) at four sites near Toolik Field Station, Alaska. At each site, a shrub-dominant and tussock-tundra habitat was chosen for sampling, for a total of 8 sampling locations. At each sampling location, a 100-meter transect was established. Arthropods were sampled along the transect weekly by passing a sweepnet through and over the vegetation. After killing the arthropods with pest strips and freezing, they were sorted from the associated leaf litter and counted.
Ashley Asmus, 2017 Abundance and biomass of major taxonomic groups of arthropods collected with pitfall and vacuum sampling in Arctic LTER plots fertilized for 24 years near Toolik Field Station, Alaska in the summer of 2013.. 10.6073/pasta/9d196783552470aaecb648001e650d55
Arthropods (spiders and insects) were collected three times during the 2013 summer using pitfall traps and vacuum sampling in plots fertilized with Nitrogen and Phosphorus for 24 years, and in control plots, in an experiment established near Toolik Field Station, Alaska. Pitfall traps were placed for 48-hour intervals; vacuum samples were taken in a 1m2 area. Collected invertebrates were counted and identified to order or family.
Terrestrial Soil Microfuna and Microflora
John Moore, 2013 Belowground foodweb biomass and soil CN and bulk density from moist acidic tundra nutrient addition plots (since 1989, 2006) sampled July 2011.. 10.6073/pasta/4d4fb41a345e5daaa17569b14fb5ebba
Biomass of belowground community groups (bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, rotifers, tardigrades) determined for organic and mineral soils in moist acidic tundra. Soil carbon and nitrogen content, bulk density, and depth are included.
John Moore, 2012 Belowground foodweb biomass from moist acidic tundra nutrient addition plots (since 1989, 1996, 2006) sampled June and August 2010.. 10.6073/pasta/642ee4945ca071a1e9dfa9f67c61daa9
Biomass of belowground community groups (bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, rotifers, tardigrades) determined for organic and mineral soils in moist acidic tundra.
John Moore, 2010 Belowground foodweb biomass from moist acidic tundra nutrient addition and greenhouse plots (since 1989) sampled July 2008.. 10.6073/pasta/fc3a61f2d20504a9dfc785c21d19f504
Biomass of belowground community groups (bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, rotifers, tardigrades) determined for organic and mineral soils in moist acidic tundra sampled in the moist acidic tundra nutient (N&P) addition and greenhouse plots in July 2008.
John Moore, 2008 Belowground foodweb biomass from moist acidic tundra and dry heath tundra nutrient addition and herbivore exclusion plots (since 1996) sampled Summer 2006. 10.6073/pasta/635d263dd947a1ea64f8deb284945e18
Biomass of belowground community groups (bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, rotifers, tardigrades) determined for organic soils in moist acidic tundra and dry heath tundra.
John Moore, 2013 Belowground foodweb biomass and soil CN and bulk density from moist acidic tundra nutrient addition plots (since 2006) sampled August 2012.. 10.6073/pasta/c987d1d48397d27a8c33c4f8d0c0b02d
Biomass of soil rotifers, tardigrades, enchytraeids, protozoa and nematode groups from organic and mineral soils in moist acidic tundra nutrient addition plots (since 2006) sampled August 2012.
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