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Gaius Shaver, 2012 Vegetation indices calculated from canopy reflectance spectra at four sites along Imnavait Creek, AK during the 2008-2010 growing seasons.. 10.6073/pasta/bfa61daf6eeb155376a029cef3f79d84 |
A spectrophotometer was used to scan the canopy vegetation at four sites along Imnavait Creek in the Kuparuk Watershed near Toolik Lake LTER, Alaska. The resulting reflectance spectra were used to calculate average vegetation indices for each site and collection day. |
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Anne Giblin, George Kling, 2022 Physical and chemical data for various lakes near Toolik Research Station, Arctic LTER. Summer 1975 to 1989.. 10.6073/pasta/588e78d0d92ee947349eda23402543f6 |
Decadal file describing the physical lake parameters recorded at various lakes near Toolik Research Station during summers from 1975 to 1989. Depth profiles at the sites of physical measures were collected in situ. Values measured included temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, Chlorophyll A, Secchi disk depth and PAR. Note that some sample depths also have additional parameters measured and available in separate files for water chemistry and primary production. |
Anne Giblin, George Kling, 2001 Physical and chemical data for various lakes near Toolik Research Station, Arctic LTER. Summer 2000 to 2009. 10.6073/pasta/791e3cb6288f75f602f23ef3e5532017 |
Decadal file describing the physical/chemical values recorded at various lakes near Toolik Research Station during summers from 2000 to 2009. Sample site descriptors include site, date, time, depth. Depth profiles of physical measures collected in situ with Hydrolab Datasonde in the field include temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen in both percent saturation and mg/l, SCUFA chlorophyll-a values in both volts and µg/l, and PAR. |
Anne Giblin, George Kling, 1991 Physical and chemical data for various lakes near Toolik Research Station, Arctic LTER. Summer 1990 to 1999. 10.6073/pasta/1fd85582de93a281e5e5d3b80df97b52 |
Decadal file describing the physical/chemical values recorded at various lakes near Toolik Research Station during summers from 1990 to 1999. Sample site descriptors include site, date, time, depth. Depth profiles of physical measures collected in situ with Hydrolab Datasonde in the field include temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen in both percent saturation and mg/l, SCUFA chlorophyll-a values in both volts and µg/l, and PAR. |
Anne Giblin, George Kling, 2021 Physical and chemical data for various lakes near Toolik Research Station, Arctic LTER. Summer 2010 to 2021. 10.6073/pasta/76ae1339a928d85193eb15bbe88cee75 |
Decadal file describing the physical/chemical values recorded at various lakes near Toolik Research Station. Sample site descriptors include site, date, time, depth. Depth profiles of physical measures collected in situ with Hydrolab Datasonde in the field include temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen in both percent saturation and mg/l, SCUFA chlorophyll-a values in both volts and µg/l, and PAR. |
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Gaius Shaver, 2012 Vegetation indices calculated for ITEX harvest plots in 2004-2009 at Toolik, Alaska; Abisko, Sweden; Svalbard, Norway; Zackenberg, Northeast Greenland; and Barrow, Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/273dc3a7f43fb71e90d786fcd69c6c96 |
A spectrophotometer was used to scan the canopy vegetation of ITEX harvest plots. The resulting reflectance spectra were used to calculate several vegetation indices of interest (NDVI, EVI, EVI2, PRI, WBI, Chlorophyll Index). Average values of these vegetation indices for each ITEX harvest plot are presented here. These plots also had biomass harvests performed and were analyzed for leaf area and nitrogen content (see 2003-2009gsharvest.csv, 2003-2009gsharvestLAI-N.csv). |
Gaius Shaver, 2013 Total and diffuse photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) recorded by a beam fraction (BF3) sensor during the summer of 2012 in vicinity of Toolik Lake, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/e07cdf2782e0016405f9845e02ef5542 |
This file contains irradiance (PAR) and diffuse light data logged from a beam fraction (BF3) sensor near Toolik Lake, Alaska during the summer of 2012. The data comes from a compilation of automated datalogger readings as well as measurements taken during the field season in conjunction with the Delta-T SunScan wand to measure PAR in tall shrub canopies dominated by Betula nana or Salix pulchra species. The sensor was leveled and mounted to a 2m tripod in each location, and programmed to record instantaneous readings in 30 second to 5 minute intervals. |
Gaius Shaver, 2011 Vegetation indices calculated for ITEX flux plots in 2004-2009 at Toolik, Alaska; Abisko, Sweden; Svalbard, Norway; Zackenberg, Northeast Greenland; and Barrow, Alaska. 10.6073/pasta/b11455d590fcb9eed893b86425590f15 |
A spectrophotometer was used to scan the canopy vegetation of ITEX flux plots. The resulting reflectance spectra were used to calculate several vegetation indices of interest (NDVI, EVI, EVI2, PRI, WBI, Chlorophyll Index). Average values of these vegetation indices for each ITEX flux plot are presented here. |