
Soil properties and chemical composition and extractable nutrients: Extractable NH4-N and NO3-N (2 N KCl), PO4-P (0.025 N HCl) and pH (0.01 M CaCl2); Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus content; thaw depth; del C-13, del N-15; ergosterol concentration for soils near Toolik, along the Dalton Highway and Abisko, Sweden.

Terrestrial Soil Properties
Jennie DeMarco, Michelle Mack, 2009 Net nitrogen mineralization from shrub gradient and snow manipulations, near Toolik field station, collect in the summer of 2006 and winter of 2006-2007. 10.6073/pasta/d63fe4fe5d2725aaa8732f1ae6548028
In arctic tundra, near Toolik Lake, Alaska, we quantified net N-mineralization rates under ambient and manipulated snow treatments at three different plant communities that varied in abundance and height of deciduous shrubs.
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