physiological processes

Burn Terrestrial Data
Adrian V Rocha, 2020 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, Unburned Site, North Slope Alaska, 2013-2019 . 10.6073/pasta/005b8212ff751d8ca30be3350c89bae2
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e.
Adrian V Rocha, 2020 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, Moderate Site, North Slope Alaska, 2013-2019 . 10.6073/pasta/d9ae45785b04e4083f2429b88568f412
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e.
Adrian V Rocha, 2020 Anaktuvuk River Burn Eddy Flux Measurements, Severe Site, North Slope Alaska, 2013-2019 . 10.6073/pasta/9525403adb8be60bc415f2130f3bda8e
We deployed three eddy covariance towers along a burn severity gradient (i.e.
Ecotypes Transplant Garden
Ned Fetcher, James McGraw, Marjan van de Weg, 2014 Temperature response of dark respiration from the 1980-82 Eriophorum vaginatum reciprocal transplant experiment along Dalton Highway, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/90263d4b31bc565b3bab55fa012151dc
These data were collected in July 2011 for tussocks transplanted in 1980-82 in a reciprocal transplant experiment and harvested in 2011. Important variables are garden name, source population, and dark respiration.
Ned Fetcher, James McGraw, Sara Souther, 2013 Light-saturated photosynthetic rate, dark respiration, stomatal conductance and ratio of internal to external carbon dioxide concentration from the 1980-82 Eriophorum vaginatum reciprocal transplant plots from Eagle Creek to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, 2010. 10.6073/pasta/ba7785eaad218efbe9c84b63805e2952
In 1980-1982, six transplant gardens were established along a latitudinal gradient in interior Alaska from Eagle Creek, AK, in the south to Prudhoe Bay, AK, in the north (Shaver et al. 1986) .Three sites, Toolik Lake (TL), Sagwon (SAG), and Prudhoe Bay (PB) are north of the continental divide and the remaining three, Eagle Creek (EC), No Name Creek (NN), and Coldfoot (CF), are south of the continental divide. Each garden consisted of 10 individual tussocks transplanted back to their home-site, as well as 10 individuals from each of the other transplant sites.
Jessica Schedlbauer, Ned Fetcher, Katherine Hood, Michael L Moody, Jianwu Tang, 2018 Carbon dioxide response curve, dark respiration, specific leaf area, and leaf nitrogen data for the 2014 Eriophorum vaginatum reciprocal transplant gardens at Toolik Lake and Sagwon, AK, collected in 2016.. 10.6073/pasta/077c0caaa9ce4693b4d3249a311fc0ab
Transplant gardens at Toolik Lake and Sagwon were established in 2014.  At each location, 60 tussocks each from ecotypes of Eriophorum vaginatum from Coldfoot (CF, 67°15′32″N, 150°10′12″W), Toolik Lake (TL, 68°37′44″N, 149°35′0″W), and Sagwon (SAG, 69°25′26″N, 148°42′49″W) were transplanted.  Half the transplanted tussocks were grown under ambient conditions, while the other half were exposed to passive warming supplied by open-top chambers (OTC).
Ned Fetcher, Jianwu Tang, Michael L Moody, 2019 White spruce trees tagged measured for total height and girth at 10 centimeter height, and leader length, Coldfoot, Alaska 2015, 2016. 10.6073/pasta/88e3e3717e6ced7f4c14aa89518f4613
White spruce seedlings have colonized the site of the Coldfoot transplant garden (CF, 67°15′32″N, 150°10′12″W) since the original garden was established in 1982.  Some trees are 2-3 meter tall. All seedlings and trees within the current (2014) garden were tagged, located with a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, and measured in 2015 and 2016 for total height and girth at 10 centimeter height and leader length.
FishScape Tag Data
Linda Deegan, 2019 Fish tag data remotely detected using whole stream antennas or hand held tag readers in the Kuparuk, Itkilik, and Sagavanirktok drainages near Toolik Field Station, Alaska, from 2010 to 2017. 10.6073/pasta/38dfd48fc143a4f5abea8aa6d664c919
From 2009 to 2017, the FISHSCAPE Project (grant numbers 1719267, 1417754, and 0902153), based at Toolik Field Station, has monitored physical, chemical, and biological parameters within three watersheds: The Kuparuk (including Toolik Lake and Toolik outlet stream); The Sagavanirktok (primarily Oksrukuyik Creek, but also including sections of the Ailish and Atigun Rivers and the Galbraith Lakes); and The Itkillik (primarily the I-Minus outlet stream, a tributary that that feeds into the Itkilik River).
Linda Deegan, 2019 Fish tagging data (length, weight, tag number) from the Kuparuk, the Sagavanirktok (primarily Oksrukuyik Creek) and the Itkillik (primarily the I-Minus outlet stream) watersheds, 2009 - 2017. 10.6073/pasta/febee98e62aaa9001e5747432ded64bd
Since 2009, the FISHSCAPE  Project (grant number  1719267, 1417754, and 0902153), based at Toolik Field Station, has monitored physical, chemical, and biolog
Terrestrial Biomass
Gaius Shaver, 2000 Ecosystem-level Carbon dioxide fluxes in two long-term experimental wet sedge tundra sites near Toolik Lake, AK, ARC LTER 1994.. 10.6073/pasta/e1601a77bb1471e895e47d5eef298d2c
Ecosystem-level Carbon dioxide fluxes were measured in two long-term experimental wet sedge tundra sites near Toolik Lake, AK. Experimental treatments at each site included factorial NxP, greenhouse and shade house and were begun in 1985 (Sag site) or in 1988 (Toolik sites). Fluxes were measured on quadrats that were later sampled for biomass and leaf area.
Gaius Shaver, M. Syndonia Bret-Harte, 1998 Weights and lengths from retrospective growth analysis of different stem age classes of Betula nana, 1995, Arctic LTER, Toolik Lake, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/25e6539b3b55340d318a1a6befb82764
This data file contains the data on weights and lengths from retrospective growth analysis of different stem age classes of Betula nana ramets from the LTER Nutrient and Warming manipulations in tussock tundra at Toolik Lake.
FishScape Genomics
Heidi Golden, 2019 Arctic grayling neutral genomic microsatellite loci from the Kuparuk, the Sagavanirktok (primarily Oksrukuyik Creek) and the Itkillik (primarily the I-Minus outlet stream) watersheds, 2010-2014. 10.6073/pasta/bd8c1cc011851190a291862d6b3bfa52
Since 2009, The FISHSCAPE Project (National Science Foundation grants: 1719267, 1417754, and 0902153), based at Toolik Field Station, has monitored physical, chemical, and biological parameters within three watersheds: The Kuparuk (including Toolik Lake and Toolik outlet stream), The Sagavanirktok (primarily Oksrukuyik Creek, but also including sections of the Atigun River and Tea and Galbraith Lakes), and Itkillik (primarily the I-Minus outlet stream a tributary that that feeds into the Itkilik River).  Goals of the FISHSCAPE project are to understand and predict the adaptability and persi
FishScape Common Garden
Heidi Golden, 2019 Growth data for young of the year arctic grayling raised in a aquatic common garden at Toolik Field Station, summer 2017. 10.6073/pasta/44d78f21fbf921195da3ca6895ea7189
Since 2009, the FISHSCAPE  Project (Grant #1719267, 1417754, and 0902153), based at Toolik Field Station, has monitored physical, chemical, and biological parameters within three watersheds: The Kuparuk (including Toolik Lake and Toolik outlet stream); The Sagavanirktok (primarily Oksrukuyik Creek, but also including sections of the Ailish and Atigun Rivers and the Galbraith Lakes);  and The Itkillik (primarily the I-Minus outlet stream, a tributary that that feeds into the Itkilik River).
Heidi Golden, 2019 Survivorship data for young of the year Arctic grayling raised in an aquatic common garden at Toolik Field Station, summer 2017 . 10.6073/pasta/3c127c31cef3ecbdac97ffdf86ccf026
Since 2009, the FISHSCAPE  Project (grant #  1719267, 1417754, and 0902153), based at Toolik Field Station, has monitored physical, chemical, and biological parameters within three watersheds: The Kuparuk (including Toolik Lake and Toolik outlet stream); The Sagavanirktok (primarily Oksrukuyik Creek, but also including sections of the Ailish and Atigun Rivers and the Galbraith Lakes);  and The Itkillik (primarily the I-Minus outlet stream, a tributary that that feeds into the Itkilik River).
Streams Fish
William "Breck" Bowden, 1992 Arctic Grayling Growth on the Oksrukuyik Creek near Toolik Field Station, Alaska 1990-2001. 10.6073/pasta/51ca0640049b0d2dc3706b25bdc6d13e
Arctic Grayling were collected at designated stations on the Oksrukuyik from 1990 to current time. Phosphorus addition has occurred from 1991 to 1996; station sites are relative distance from the original 1991 dripper. Grayling were caught, pit tagged, weighed, measured, and then released back into the river.
William "Breck" Bowden, 1988 Arctic Grayling Growth in the Kuparuk River; data from 1986-2003. 10.6073/pasta/e74fcf307dea22fc376978f6f115517e
Adult Arctic Grayling were caught and tagged in the Kuparuk River. A second fishing campaign occurred later in the summer, and any fish that was recaptured was remeasured to determine growth. Phosphorus addition has occurred since 1983; station sites are relative distance from the original 1983 phosphorus dripper. Stations include sites in a reference, recovery, and fertilized reach. Reaches were defined based on the location of phosphorous addition (see methods). Arctic Grayling were caught early in the field season, tagged, and recaptured late in the field season.
Linda Deegan, William "Breck" Bowden, Alex Huryn, 2019 Arctic Grayling length, weight and tag data from Arctic LTER Streams project, Toolik Filed Station Alaska, 1985 to 2018. 10.6073/pasta/87c65290d94c2cefd1692df861fe9aa7
Since 1983, the Streams Project at the Toolik Field Station has monitored physical, chemical, and biological parameters in a 5-km, fourth-order reach of the Kuparuk River near its intersection with the Dalton Highway and the Trans-Alaska Pipeline. In 1989, similar studies were begun on a 3.5-km, third-order reach of a second stream, Oksrukuyik Creek. Fish were collected on each river. Station locations, representing kilomter values certain distances from original phosphorus dripper (see method) were noted.
Terrestrial Plant Phenological and Growth Data
Laura Gough, 2008 Growth data was collected on one deciduous shrub species on Arctic LTER experimental plots in moist acidic tussock and dry heath tundra 2004, Toolik Field Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/433d45e29be3c75342ab66182f235d17
Weekly growth of plant species of three growth forms were measured in the ninth year of a long-term experiment at Toolik Field Station. The experimental treatments excluded small and large mammalian herbivores and increased soil nutrients in two arctic Alaskan tundra communities: moist acidic tussock and dry heath. This data set reports the deciduous dwarf shrub species. Please see 2004lggrgram for the tussock-forming and rhizomatous graminoid species growth data.
Laura Gough, 2008 Growth data was collected on four graminoid species on Arctic LTER experimental plots in moist acidic tussock and dry heath tundra 2004, Toolik Field Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/8997387154a42d594073cd9bc21283cf
Weekly growth of plant species of three growth forms were measured in the ninth year of a long-term experiment at Toolik Field Station. The experimental treatments excluded small and large mammalian herbivores and increased soil nutrients in two arctic Alaskan tundra communities: moist acidic tussock and dry heath. This data set reports the four graminoid (both tussock and rhizomatous forms) species. Please see 2004lggrbnan for Betula nana (dwarf shrub) growth data.
Gaius Shaver, M. Syndonia Bret-Harte, 1998 Data on weights and lengths from retrospective growth analysis of different stem age classes of Betula nana ramets from the Arctic LTER Nutrient and Warming manipulations in mosit acidic tussock tundra at 1995, Toolik Lake, AK.. 10.6073/pasta/e000a9e4cc98e60d1ed631d68b26246b
This data file contains the data on weights and lengths from retrospective growth analysis of different stem age classes of Betula nana ramets from the Arctic LTER Nutrient and Warming manipulations in moist acidic tussock tundra at Toolik Lake.
Streams Metabolism
Michael Kendrick, Alex Huryn, 2013 Chamber Metabolism 2011-2012 Kuparuk River near Toolik Field Station Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/34232c5216fc1d7e9ef1f1156f873263
Dissolved oxygen was measured in sealed chambers on representative river rocks periodically throughout the 2011 and 2012 open water season in the Kuparuk River. These data provide information on gross primary production and respiration from representative river rocks taken from 3 experimental reaches in the Kuparuk.
Terrestrial Trace Gases
Gaius Shaver, 2012 Raw pin-hit data from 19 1m x 1m point frame plots sampled near the LTER Shrub plots at Toolik Field Station in AK the summer of 2012.. 10.6073/pasta/59cbf45a4bb4a1997bc18f02a1100a64
This dataset includes every pin-hit recorded from 19 1m x 1m point frame plots of tall Betula nana and Salix pulchra canopies sampled at the Toolik Field Station, AK the summer of 2012. Twenty-five evenly spaced holes within the plot were sampled for each point frame for which the height and species was recorded for each leaf, stem, or plant that intersected the pin when lowered perpendicular to the ground. Non-woody species were grouped into functional groups (e.g. forb, graminoid, moss) and not identified to species.
Gaius Shaver, 2013 Maximum canopy height from 14 flux canopy and 19 point frame plots sampled near the shrub LTER sites at Toolik Field Station, Alaska, summer 2012.. 10.6073/pasta/7b7fb8822b918e03c6803b6ba352894b
Maximum canopy height measurements for deciduous shrub canopies sampled for both 1m x 1mc hamber flux polots (n=14) and point frame plots (n=19) in the summer of 2012 near LTER shrub plots at Toolik Lake, AK. The canopies were dominated either by Salix pulchra or Betula nana species, and plot locations were preferentially selected for tall canopies (height > 75 cm). The methods for the chamber flux and point frames are outlined here briefly, though the data from these measurements are contained in separate files.
Gaius Shaver, 2013 Individual chamber flux measurements from 14 flux whole-canopy shrub plots sampled near the shrub LTER sites at Toolik Field Station, Alaska, summer 2012.. 10.6073/pasta/4b5f0a6ac4cd14e233d7e7173fd40464
“Flux data” contains the CO2 and water flux data along with the corresponding diffuse light fraction at the time of measurement from the ITEX shrub canopy project taken at Toolik Lake, Alaska in 2012. Each record is a single LiCor flux measurement made with LiCor 6400 photosynthesis system, with associated average pressure, temperature, PAR, water vapor, and other data such as NDVI and LAI measurements taken with a DeltaT SunScan wand under both direct and diffuse light conditions.
Gaius Shaver, 2012 Summary of three different Leaf Area Index (LAI) methodologies of 19 1m x 1m point frame plots sampled near the LTER Shrub plots at Toolik Field Station in AK the summer of 2012.. 10.6073/pasta/d820beac421a90a6ea65b3b589537f66
Summary of three methods used to estimate the Leaf Area Index (LAI) of 19 1m x 1m plots sampled with a point frame near the LTER Shrub plots at the Toolik Field Station in AK the summer of 2012. The methods used were: (1) exponential relationship between LAI and NDVI as measured above the canopy with a Unispec spetroradiometer; (2) Delta-T SunScan canopy analyzer held at 5 cm above the ground under both direct and diffuse light conditions; (3) pin-drop point frame tequnique. Where values have been averaged (such as for the NDVI and SunScan measurements), the standard deviation is given.
Gaius Shaver, 2012 Leaf Area Index every 15 cm of 1m x 1m chamber flux and point frame plots and sites where dataloggers monitored PAR above, within and below S. pulchra and B. nana canopies during the growing season at the Toolik Field Station in AK, Summer 2012.. 10.6073/pasta/627698983259d6963a6083d5251723cc
Leaf area index (LAI) measurements were taken with the Delta-T SunScan wand every 15 cm from the ground to above the canopy under both direct and diffuse light. conditions The data includes all outputs from the SunScan wand: time of measurement, transmitted light, spread of PAR sensors, beam fraction, and zenith angle.
Gaius Shaver, 2013 Percent species cover from 14 flux canopy and 19 point frame 1m x 1m plots sampled near the shrub LTER sites at Toolik Field Station, Alaska, summer 2012.. 10.6073/pasta/cd9516d28ef5f7931ab108de3d5f7384
Total and individual subsample species percent cover data for all plots where flux or point frame measurements were made in 2012 IVO the LTER Shrub vegetation plots at Toolik Field Station. All plots sampled were dominated either by B. nana or S. pulchra canopies. Cover estimates were made for the five most dominate functional groups using a 1m x 1m grid with 20cm2 blocks with each square representing four percent of the total area. Percentages represent absolute cover so do not sum to 100%.
Gaius Shaver, 2013 Summary of soil temperature, moisture, and thaw depth for 14 chamber flux measurements sampled near LTER shrub sites at Toolik Field Station, Alaska, summer 2012.. 10.6073/pasta/7ccf390e6fe4824e93b7a2b844605a40
Soil temperature at 5cm and 10cm depth [°C], volumetric water content (VWC) [%] and depth of thaw [cm] for 14 shrub canopy flux plots measured in vicinity of the Toolik Field Station, AK in 2012.
Gaius Shaver, 2012 Daily summaries of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), relative humidity, and temperature data logged above, within, and below Betula nana and Salix pulchra shrub canopies during the summer of 2012 in vicinity of Toolik Lake, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/101237eb155ec6efe1be26807c1025ec
This file contains limited daily summaries of PAR, relative humidity, and temperature data monitored above, within, and below Betula nana and Salix pulchra shrub canopies at two locations near Toolik Lake, Alaska during the summer of 2012. The location of the PAR sensor and dataloggers were co-located with the LTER shrub plots (block 1 and 2), also used for the chamber flux and point frame measurements taken this same year.
Gaius Shaver, 2013 Summary of measured and modeled light curve parameters for diffuse, direct, and intermediate light curves for 14 whole-canopy 1mx1m plots sampled near the shrub LTER sites at Toolik Field Station, Alaska, summer 2012.. 10.6073/pasta/4bc7067bbfad38c9368c522cf1bf633d
14 1m x 1m shrub plots were sampled the summer of 2012 under direct and diffuse light conditions. Light response curves were measured under each light condition for each plot using a Li-Cor 6400 to measure net ecosystem exchange (NEP); these measurements were modelled using a saturatingMichaelis-Menton formula.
Gaius Shaver, 2013 Total and diffuse photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) recorded by a beam fraction (BF3) sensor during the summer of 2012 in vicinity of Toolik Lake, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/e07cdf2782e0016405f9845e02ef5542
This file contains irradiance (PAR) and diffuse light data logged from a beam fraction (BF3) sensor near Toolik Lake, Alaska during the summer of 2012. The data comes from a compilation of automated datalogger readings as well as measurements taken during the field season in conjunction with the Delta-T SunScan wand to measure PAR in tall shrub canopies dominated by Betula nana or Salix pulchra species. The sensor was leveled and mounted to a 2m tripod in each location, and programmed to record instantaneous readings in 30 second to 5 minute intervals.
Gaius Shaver, 2012 Plot descriptions and location data from datalogger, 1m x 1m chamber flux and point frame plots sampled near Toolik Field Station in Alaska the summer of 2012.. 10.6073/pasta/926e2979102d5d34c193582969a97bca
"2012_GS_PFandCH_GPS" contains GPS locations of all datalogger, 1m x 1m chamber flux and point frame plots sampled IVO Toolik Field Station in Alaska during the summer of 2012. The sorting variables (YEAR, DATE, SITE, GROUP, PLOT, TREAT, PLOT SIZE) are identical to those in other files with data collected that season. The main purpose of this file is for reference and as an aid in interpretation of data analyses and among-site comparisons.
Gaius Shaver, 2012 Photosynthetically Active Radiation data taken with the Delta-T SunScan wand every 15 cm of 1m x 1m chamber flux and point frame plots as well as four remotely monitored canopies at the Toolik Field Station in AK, Summer 2012.. 10.6073/pasta/d82658b4361c7bad120af2da74885ce4
Within-canopy PAR was measured with a Delta-T SunScan wand every 15 cm from the ground to above the canopy under both direct and diffuse light. The data includes all outputs from the SunScan wand: time of measurement, spread of PAR sensors, total irradiance, total diffuse light, and individual outputs of 64-PAR sensors on the SunScan wand. These measurements were taken for 1m x 1m chamber flux (n=14) and point frame (n=19) plots as well as sites four montitored remotely by PAR sensors located above, within, and below shrub canopies.
Gaius Shaver, 2012 Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) measurements, relative humidity, and temperature data logged every five minutes from Betula nana and Salix pulchra shrub canopies, summer of 2012 in vicinity of Toolik Lake, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/c87015fc3a8f7266cd47968a5a6db76a
This file contains PAR , relative humidity, and temperature data logged every five minutes from within, below, and above Betula nana and Salix pulchra shrub canopies at two locations near Toolik Lake, Alaska during the summer of 2012. The location of the PAR sensor and dataloggers were co-located with the LTER shrub plots (block 1 and 2), also used for the chamber flux and point frame measurements taken this same year.
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