thaw depth
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George Kling, 2007 Imnavait Watershed Thaw Depth Survey Summary for 2003 to present, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/022a6e4bfee8329b5fd40b7691494e1d |
Thaw depth was measured using a steel probe in the Imnavait Creek watershed, near Toolik Lake, Alaska. The thaw grid includes measurements made from the valley bottom (on both sides of the stream), up the hillslope to the hilltop (watershed boundary). The thaw grid is near Imnavait water tracks 7 and 8, and measurements have been made from the 2003 season until present. Two surveys are conducted each summer, on 2 July and on 11 August (plus or minus 1-2 days on either side of those dates). |
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Michelle Mack, 2011 Characterization of burned and unburned moist acidic tundra sites for estimating C and N loss from the 2007 Anaktuvuk River Fire, sampled in 2008.. 10.6073/pasta/81868b65c853d5eb2052d9f1a8397d0d |
Burned and unburned moist acidic tundra sites used to estimate C and N loss from the Anaktuvuk River Fire (2007). These sites were sampled in summer of 2008. Unburned sites were used to develop a method for estimating soil organic layer depth and plant biomass, and for determining the characteristics of unburned soil organic layers. In burned sites, we characterized residual organic soils and used biometric measurements of tussocks to reconstruct pre-fire soil organic layer depth. |
Adrian V Rocha, Gaius Shaver, 2015 Anaktuvuk River fire scar thaw depth measurements during the 2008 to 2014 growing season. 10.6073/pasta/93121fc86e6fbcf88de4a9350609aed6 |
The Anaktuvuk River Fire occurred in 2007 on the North Slope of Alaska. In 2008, three eddy covariance towers were established at sites represent ing unburned tundra, moderately burned tundra, and severely burned tundra. Several times during the 2008-2014 growing seasons, thaw depth was measured at approximately 70 points near each of these towers . Data presented here are the individual measurements for each site and date. |
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George Kling, 2007 Tussock watershed thaw depth survey summary for 1990 to present, Arctic Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER), Toolik Research Station, Alaska. . 10.6073/pasta/5ec809b760dd8cbc9e979941e29f70cc |
Thaw depth was measured since 1990 using a steel probe in the Tussock watershed just south of Toolik Lake, Alaska, on a gentle slope dominated by moist, non-acidic tussock tundra. At least two surveys are conducted each summer, on 2 July and on 11 August (plus or minus 1 day). |
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Laura Gough, 2012 2010 thaw depth and soil temperature in LTER moist acidic tundra experimental plots. 10.6073/pasta/f42472946a52de02e1e1687d9214a2df |
In 2010, thaw depth and soil temperature were measured throughout the growing season in control and fertilized plots in the Arctic LTER's moist acidic tundra sites. |
Gaius Shaver, 2022 Late season thaw depth measured in the Arctic Long Term Ecological Research (ARC LTER) moist acidic tussock experimental plots at Toolik Field station, Alaska Arctic 1993 to 2021. 10.6073/pasta/e24f9ed96718c7a6d020c1be6ae5853f |
Late season thaw depth was measured in the Arctic Long Term Ecological Research (ARC LTER) experimental plots (1981 Moist Acidic Tussock, 1989 Moist Acidic Tussock, 2006 Low Fertilization Moist Acidic Tussock, 1989 Moist Non-acidic Tussock, 1989 Moist Non-acidic Non-tussock and 1989 Wet Sedge tundra) at Toolik Lake, Alaska using a steel thaw probe. Note: for 2017-2018 only 1989 Moist Non-Acidic Tussock Tundra and 2006 Low fertilization Moist Acidic Tussock Tundra were measured. For other sites it has become difficult to distinguish rocks from frozen soil with a steel thaw probe. |
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Gaius Shaver, 2010 Soil temperature, volumetric water content and depth of thaw for ITEX CO2 flux survey plots 2003-2009.. 10.6073/pasta/e0b622e347540eae2ab410a2a3a7d7fd |
Soil temperature, moisture content and thaw depth of the ITEX flux survey plots. Survey plots were located in the Toolik Lake LTER fertilization experiment in Alaska; at Imnavait Creek, Alaska; at Paddus, Latnjajaure and the Stepps site near Abisko in northern Sweden; at various sites in Adventdalen, Svalbard; in the Zackenberg valley, Northeast Greenland; at BEO near Barrow, Alaska and at the Anaktuvuk River Burn in Alaska. Measurements were made during the growing seasons 2003 to 2009. |