Vascular plant species list, Skip Walker's Toolik Lake permanent plot species data
Data Set Results
Phenological stages of evergeen plants were observed at a long term experimental moist acidic tussock tundra (Arctic LTER) in 1996 near Toolik Lake, AK. Also, ITEX maximum growth measurements were recorded on August 19th (moist tussock tundra). Experimental treatments at each site included factorial NxP, greenhouse and shadehouse and were begun in 1989. See 96gsphdc and 96gsphsg for phenological data on deciduous and sedge species.
Vascular plant species list, by quadrat, for harvests of tussock tundra, wet sedge tundra, dry heath tundra, and a toposequence which also included "shrub/lupine," "riverside willow" and "footslope Equisetum" communities. Includes results of long-term nutrient enrichment, increased temperature, and shade houses in selected tundra types.
Quadrats were harvested for aboveground biomass from eight plots within a tussock, watertrack, and snowbed community at 3 sites - acidic tundra near Toolik (site of acidic LTER plots), nonacidic tundra near Toolik Lake(site of non-acidic LTER plots), and acidic tundra near Sagwon. All vascular species were sorted, divided into new and old growth, dried, and weighed. Lichens were separated by genus in all quadrats. In half of the quadrats (n=4), mosses were separated by species. Moss and lichen data are presented by species elsewhere (see 97lgmosslichen.txt).
Phenological stages of sedges were observed at a long term experimental moist tussock tundra site and a long-term experimental wet sedge tundra sites near Toolik Lake, AK. Also, ITEX maximum growth measurements were recorded on August 19th (moist tussock tundra). Experimental treatments at each site included factorial NxP, greenhouse and shadehouse and were begun in 1989. See 96gsphdc.html and 96gsphsg.html for phenological data on deciduous and evergeen species.
A harvest was conducted to determine productivity of rare species not found in at least 4 quadrats per site in a separate small quadrat aboveground biomass harvest (see 97lg3sbm.txt). Harvests occurred in a tussock, watertrack, and snowbed community at 3 sites - acidic tundra near Toolik (site of acidic LTER plots), nonacidic tundra near Toolik Lake(site of non-acidic LTER plots), and acidic tundra near Sagwon. Moss and lichen data are presented by species elsewhere (see 97lgmosslichen).
Phenological stages of deciduous plants were observed at a long term experimental moist acidic tussock tundra site (Arctic LTER) near Toolik Field Station, AK. Also, ITEX maximum growth measurements were recorded on August 19th (moist tussock tundra). Experimental treatments at each site included factorial NxP, greenhouse and shadehouse and were begun in 1989. See 96gspheg.html and 96gsphsg. html for phenological data on evergreen and sedge species.
Lake trout were analysed for carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values in 6 Arctic lakes near Toolik Lake at the Arctic LTER in 1987 and 1988. The fish were also analysed for age using otoliths.
Predators can disproportionately impact the structure and function of ecosystems relative to their biomass. These effects may be exacerbated under warming in ecosystems like the Arctic, where the number and diversity of predators are low and small shifts in community interactions can alter carbon cycle feedbacks. Here we show that warming alters the effects of wolf spiders, a dominant tundra predator, on belowground litter decomposition and nutrient dynamics.
This data set contains information about the daily status (alive/ dead) of Lapland longspur and Gambel's white-crowned sparrow eggs and nestlings studied near Toolik Field Station from 2012 to 2
This data set includes meteorological parameters collected near Toolik Field Station from 2012 to 2016 under National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Polar Programs ARC 0908444 (to Laura Gough), ARC 0908602 (to Natalie Boelman), and ARC 0909133 (to John Wingfield). It also includes meteorological data collected by two additional entities that are available on public repositories. Toolik data reflect data collected by the Toolik Envronmental Data Center and Imnavait data reflect data collected by the Arctic Observatory Network (AON).
This data set contains information about the per pitfall trap arthropod biomass captured (or modeled using GAM modelling approaches) near Toolik Field Station from 2012 to 2016 under National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Polar Programs ARC 0908444 (to Laura Gough), ARC 0908602 (to Natalie Boelman), and ARC 0909133 (to John Wingfield). It is associated with publication DOI: 10.1111/jav.01712.
This data set describes the presence/absence of new snowfall approximated daily using time -lapse photography images near Toolik Field Station during summers from 2012 to 2016 under National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Polar Programs ARC 0908444 (to Laura Gough), ARC 0908602 (to Natalie Boelman), and ARC 0909133 (to John Wingfield). Additional cameras funded by other grants were also used for scoring including multiple Toolik EDC timelapse images taken at Toolik, Atigun Ridge, and Imnavait.
This data set contains information about the per sample sweepnet arthropod biomass captured (or modeled using GAM modelling approaches) near Toolik Field Station from 2012 to 2016 under National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Polar Programs ARC 0908444 (to Laura Gough), ARC 0908602 (to Natalie Boelman), and ARC 0909133 (to John Wingfield). It is associated with publication DOI: 10.1111/jav.01712.
Data on the effects of shading tundra vegetation from the sun when it is low in on the horizon in the north. If light quality was altered through shading, phenology might be affected. Senescence (color change) was measured for the common tundra species.
Data on Eriophorum vaginatum leaf length collected from common gardens established at Toolik Lake, Coldfoot, and Sagwon in 2014 with tussocks from Coldfoot, Toolik Lake, and Sagwon. Data collected during the growing seasons of 2015, 2016, and 2017
Data on litter decomposition of Eriophorum vaginatum leaves collected at Toolik Lake, Coldfoot, and Sagwon and distributed to all three sites. Litter bags from the three populations were deployed at CF (8/26/15), TL (8/24/16) and SG (8/25/16) sites approximately 40 meter away from the main transplant gardens (east of CF, east of TL and west of SG) into 5 blocks with 4 intended harvests at each plots.
Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and Leaf area index (LAI) data from tussocks in the reciprocal transplant gardens at Toolik Lake, Coldfoot, and Sagwon in 2016.
Data on Eriophorum vaginatum leaf length collected from a common garden established at Toolik Lake in 2011 with tussocks from No Name Creek, Coldfoot, Eagle Creek, Toolik Lake, Sagwon, and Prudhoe Bay. Data collected during the growing seasons of 2015 and 2016. Results published in Parker, T. C., J. Tang, M. B. Clark, M. M. Moody, and N. Fetcher. 2017. Ecotypic differences in the phenology of the tundra species Eriophorum vaginatum reflect sites of origin. Ecology and Evolution 7: 9775-9786. doi: 10.1002/ece3.3445
Vegetation (species) abundances were measured from LTER heath tundra herbivore exclosures using the point frame method. This file contains the number of pin hits per species for each subplot.