These data were collected in July 2011 for tussocks transplanted in 1980-82 in a reciprocal transplant experiment and harvested in 2011. Important variables are garden name, source population, and dark respiration.
Data Set Results
1997 measurements of Leaf area, foliar C and N for 14 sites along a transect down the Kuparuk River basin, North Slope, Alaska.
Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass, percent nitrogen, and percent carbon were measured in the Arctic LTER moist acidic tundra experimental plots. Treatments included control, and nitrogen and phosphorus amended plots for 10 years, and exclosure plots with and without added nitrogen and phosphorus.
Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass, percent nitrogen, and percent carbon were measured in the Arctic LTER dry heath tundra experimental plots. Treatments included control, and nitrogen and phosphorus amended plots for 10 years, and exclosure plots with and without added nitrogen and phosphorus.
Foliar nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Al) for dominant species on moist acidic and non-acidic tundra, Arctic LTER, Toolik Field Station , Alaska, 1999.
Weekly growth of plant species of three growth forms were measured in the ninth year of a long-term experiment at Toolik Field Station. The experimental treatments excluded small and large mammalian herbivores and increased soil nutrients in two arctic Alaskan tundra communities: moist acidic tussock and dry heath. This data set reports the four graminoid (both tussock and rhizomatous forms) species. Please see 2004lggrbnan for Betula nana (dwarf shrub) growth data.
Foliar and litter nutrients and retranslocation efficiencies (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) for dominant species on moist acidic and non-acidic tundra, Arctic LTER, Toolik Field Station , Alaska, 1999.
Above ground plant and belowground stem biomass was measured in moist acidic and non-acidic tussock tundra experimental sites. Treatments sampled were control plots and plots amended with nitrogen and phosphorus.
Percent carbon, percent nitrogen, del13C and del15N were measured from above ground plant and belowground stem biomass samples from experimental plots in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tundra. Biomass data are in 2000lgshttbm.dat.
Quadrats (20cm x 20cm squares) along a line (block) were collected for plant biomass in mesic tussock tundra. In the lab each quadrat was separated into individual species, new and old aboveground and belowground biomass. Two harvests were completed, June and a late July. These are control plots from an experiment setup for a 15N experiment.
Five or six quadrats (20cm x 20cm squares) along a line (block) were collected for plant biomass in mesic tussock tundra. In the lab each quadrat was separated into individual species, new and old aboveground and belowground biomass.
Biomass in wet sedge tundra near the Atigun River crossing of the Dalton Highway, North Slope AK. .There were three harvests; Late May-early June; Late July-early August; Late August-early September. See Shaver and Chapin (Ecological Monographs, 61, 1991 pp.1-31.
Biomass, nitrogen and carbon of plants in the Arctic LTER experimental wet sedge tundra experimental sites, 2001, Toolik Lake, Alaska.. Treatments at each site included factorial NxP, greenhouse and shade house and were begun in 1985 (Sag site) or in 1988 (Toolik sites).
Biomass in tussock tundra near Toolik Lake North Slope AK (68 degrees 38N, 149derees 34W). There were three harvests;Late May-early June; Late July-early August; Late August-early September. See Shaver and Chapin (Ecological Monographs, 61(1), 1991 pp.1-31.
Biomass was harvested from six vegetation types along a toposequence on a floodplain terrace of the Sagavanirktok River in the northern foothills of the Brooks Range , Alaska (68degrees 46' N, 148 degrees 51' W 50m). The vegetation sites are; upland tussock tundra, "hilltop heath", a "hillslope shrub-lupine", a "footslope Equisetum", a wet sedge tundra, and a "riverside willow".
Quadrats (20cm x 20cm squares) along a line (block) were collected for plant biomass in mesic acidic tussock tundra. Each quadrat was separated into individual species, new and old aboveground and belowground biomass. The harvest occurred in early July to coincide with a 15N plant and soil harvest.
Quadrats were harvested for aboveground biomass from eight plots within a tussock, watertrack, and snowbed community at 3 sites - acidic tundra near Toolik (site of acidic LTER plots), nonacidic tundra near Toolik Lake(site of non-acidic LTER plots), and acidic tundra near Sagwon. All vascular species were sorted, divided into new and old growth, dried, and weighed. Lichens were separated by genus in all quadrats. In half of the quadrats (n=4), mosses were separated by species. Moss and lichen data are presented by species elsewhere (see 97lgmosslichen.txt).
Leaf area for select species was measured in arctic tundra experimental sites from late June into early August. Measurements were made in acidic and non acidic tussock tundra and in shrub tundra in control and fertilized plots.
Biomass in shrub tundra near Toolik Lake North Slope AK (68 degrees 38N, 149derees 34W). There were three harvests; Late May-early June; Late July-early August; Late August-early September. See Shaver and Chapin (Ecological Monographs, 61(1), 1991 pp.1-31.
Phenological stages of sedges were observed at a long term experimental moist tussock tundra site and a long-term experimental wet sedge tundra sites near Toolik Lake, AK. Also, ITEX maximum growth measurements were recorded on August 19th (moist tussock tundra). Experimental treatments at each site included factorial NxP, greenhouse and shadehouse and were begun in 1989. See 96gsphdc.html and 96gsphsg.html for phenological data on deciduous and evergeen species.
Above ground plant biomass was measured in a tussock tundra experimental site. The plots were set up in 1981 and have been harvested in previous years (See Shaver and Chapin Ecological Monographs, 61(1), 1991 pp.1-31.) This file contains the biomass numbers for each harvested quadrat.
Plant biomass in arctic heath experimental plots. Plots set up in 1989 with nitrogen, phosphorus, nitrogen plus phosphorus and a shade treatment were harvested for above ground biomass. Root mass was also measured on a smaller subsample.
Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass was measured in Arctic LTER tussock tundra experimental small mammal exclosures. Treatments included Control, Nitrogen plus Phosphorus with both fenced and unfenced plots. In addition a moist non-acidic tussock tundra site was harvested. Leaf areas were also measured for each quadrat but are in a separate file.
A harvest was conducted to determine productivity of rare species not found in at least 4 quadrats per site in a separate small quadrat aboveground biomass harvest (see 97lg3sbm.txt). Harvests occurred in a tussock, watertrack, and snowbed community at 3 sites - acidic tundra near Toolik (site of acidic LTER plots), nonacidic tundra near Toolik Lake(site of non-acidic LTER plots), and acidic tundra near Sagwon. Moss and lichen data are presented by species elsewhere (see 97lgmosslichen).
Biomass in tussock tundra experimental plots near Toolik Lake, North Slope, AK (68 degrees 38N, 149derees 34W). There were five harvests in 1983. This file is the May 21-22, 1983 harvest.
Biomass in heath tundra near Toolik Lake North Slope AK (68 degrees 38N, 149derees 34W). .There were three harvests;Late May-early June; Late July-early August; Late August-early September. See Shaver and Chapin (Ecological Monographs, 61(1), 1991 pp.1-31.
Plant biomass, leaf area, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus were measured in three wet sedge tundra experimental sites. Treatments at each site included factorial NxP and at the Toolik sites greenhouse and shade house. Treatments started in 1985 (Sag site) and in 1988 (Toolik sites).
This data file contains the data on weights and lengths from retrospective growth analysis of different stem age classes of Betula nana ramets from the LTER Nutrient and Warming manipulations in tussock tundra at Toolik Lake.
Above ground plant biomass and leaf area were measured in a tussock tundra experimental site. The plots were set up in 1981 and have been harvested in previous years (See Shaver and Chapin Ecological Monographs, 61(1), 1991 pp.1-31.) This file contains the biomass numbers for each harvested quadrat and per cent carbon and nitrogen summaries for control and fertilized plots. Leaf area data is in 2000gsttLA
Above ground plant biomass and leaf area were measured in a moist acidic tussock tundra experimental site. The plots were set up in 1981 and have been harvested in periodical (See Shaver and Chapin Ecological Monographs, 61(1), 1991 pp.1-31. Mack, et al, Nature 2004 431:440-443) This file contains the biomass numbers for each harvested quadrat and per cent carbon and nitrogen summaries for harvests through 2000. Leaf area data is presented in other data files (see
Lake trout were analysed for carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values in 6 Arctic lakes near Toolik Lake at the Arctic LTER in 1987 and 1988. The fish were also analysed for age using otoliths.
Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass were measured in 2011 from three sites at and around the Anaktuvuk River Burn: severely burned, moderately burned and unburned. These samples were analyzed for carbon and nitrogen concentrations.
A summary of below ground root biomass, carbon and nitrogen concentrations, measured at three sites at and around the Anaktuvuk River Burn: severely burned, moderately burned and unburned.
Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass were measured in 2011 from three sites at and around the Anaktuvuk River Burn: severely burned, moderately burned and unburned. These samples were analyzed for carbon and nitrogen concentrations.
Below ground root biomass was measured by depth increments at three sites at and around the Anaktuvuk River Burn: severely burned, moderately burned and unburned. Roots were also analyzed for carbon and nitrogen concentrations.
Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass were measured in 2011 from three sites at and around the Anaktuvuk River Burn: severely burned, moderately burned and unburned. These samples were analyzed for carbon and nitrogen concentrations.
Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass was measured in the Arctic LTER acidic tussock tundra experimental plots. Treatments included control, nitrogen plus phosphorus amended plots for either 6 or 13 years and vole exclosure plots with or without amends of nitrogen and phosphorus.
Above ground plant biomass and leaf area were measured in a tussock tundra experimental site. The plots were set up in 1981 and have been harvested in previous years (See Shaver and Chapin Ecological Monographs, 61, 1991 pp.1-31).
Leaf areas were measured on quadrats harvested in Arctic LTER tussock tundra experimental small mammal exclosures. Treatments included Control, Nitrogen plus Phosphorus with both fenced and unfenced plots. In addition a moist non-acidic tussock tundra site was harvested. Biomass was also measured for each quadrat but is in a separate file.
Above ground plant biomass was measured in a tussock tundra experimental site. The plots were set up in 1981 and have been harvested in previous years (See Shaver and Chapin Ecological Monographs, 61(1), 1991 pp.1-31.) This file is the July 26-27, 1984 harvest of the controls and nitrogen + phosphorus treatments.
Percent carbon and percent nitrogen were measured from above ground plant and belowground stem biomass samples from experimental plots in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tundra. Biomass data are in 2001lgshttbm.dat.
Aboveground plant and belowground stem biomass were measured in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tussock tundra experimental plots. Treatments at the acidic site include control and nitrogen (N) plus phosphorus (P) amendments; treatments at the non-acidic site include N, P, N+P, greenhouse warming, and greenhouse+N+P.
Note: Version 8 corrected an error where Carex vaginata was listed twice under treatment of "Nitrogen Phosphorus". The tissues with 8 quadrats were "Greenhouse" treatment.
Yearly file containing information on bacterial productivity. Samples were collected at various sites near Toolik Research Station (68 38'N, 149 36'W). Sample site descriptors include an assigned number (sortchem), site, date, time and depth.
Yearly file containing information on bacterial productivity. Samples were collected at various sites near Toolik Research Station (68 38'N, 149 36'W). Sample site descriptors include an assigned number (sortchem), site, date, time and depth.
Yearly file containing information on bacterial productivity. Samples were collected at various sites near Toolik Research Station (68 38'N, 149 36'W). Sample site descriptors include an assigned number (sortchem), site, date, time and depth.
Yearly file containing information on bacterial productivity. Samples were collected at various sites near Toolik Research Station (68 38'N, 149 36'W). Sample site descriptors include an assigned number (sortchem), site, date, time and depth.
Yearly file containing information on bacterial productivity. Samples were collected at various sites near Toolik Research Station (68 38'N, 149 36'W). Sample site descriptors include an assigned number (sortchem), site, date, time and depth.
Yearly file containing information on bacterial productivity. Samples were collected at various sites near Toolik Research Station (68 38'N, 149 36'W). Sample site descriptors include an assigned number (sortchem), site, date, time and depth.
Yearly file containing information on bacterial productivity. Samples were collected at various sites near Toolik Research Station (68 38'N, 149 36'W). Sample site descriptors include an assigned number (sortchem), site, date, time and depth.
Yearly file containing information on bacterial productivity. Samples were collected at various sites near Toolik Research Station (68 38'N, 149 36'W). Sample site descriptors include an assigned number (sortchem), site, date, time and depth.