Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass, percent nitrogen, and percent carbon were measured in the Arctic LTER moist acidic tundra experimental plots. Treatments included control, and nitrogen and phosphorus amended plots for 10 years, and exclosure plots with and without added nitrogen and phosphorus.
Data Set Results
In 2011, relative percent cover of plant species was measured in LTER moist acidic tundra experimental plots and in new experimental plots established in 2006.
In 2010, Relative percent cover of plant species was measured in the Arctic LTER's experimental and control plots across several habitats: moist acidic, dry heath, and moist non-acidic tundra; in new variable (low) nutrient addition experimental plots established in 2006; and for Sagavanirktok River toposequence plots in tussock and heath tundra.
Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots at Toolik field station in moist acidic tussock and dry heath tundra.
In 2008, Relative percent cover of plant species was measured in the Arctic LTER's experimental and control plots across several habitats: moist acidic, dry heath, and moist non-acidic tundra; in new variable (low) nutrient addition experimental plots established in 2006; and for Sagavanirktok River toposequence plots in tussock and heath tundra.
Foliar nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Al) for dominant species on moist acidic and non-acidic tundra, Arctic LTER, Toolik Field Station , Alaska, 1999.
Weekly growth of plant species of three growth forms were measured in the ninth year of a long-term experiment at Toolik Field Station. The experimental treatments excluded small and large mammalian herbivores and increased soil nutrients in two arctic Alaskan tundra communities: moist acidic tussock and dry heath. This data set reports the four graminoid (both tussock and rhizomatous forms) species. Please see 2004lggrbnan for Betula nana (dwarf shrub) growth data.
Foliar and litter nutrients and retranslocation efficiencies (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) for dominant species on moist acidic and non-acidic tundra, Arctic LTER, Toolik Field Station , Alaska, 1999.
Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots at Toolik field station in moist acidic and moist non acidic tussock tundra, and dry heath tundra, and on Sagavanirktok River toposequence plots in tussock and heath tundra.
Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots at Toolik field station in moist acidic and moist non acidic tussock tundra, and dry heath tundra, and on Sagavanirktok River toposequence plots in tussock and heath tundra.
Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tundra, Toolik Field Station, Alaska, Arctic LTER 1999.
Above ground plant and belowground stem biomass was measured in moist acidic and non-acidic tussock tundra experimental sites. Treatments sampled were control plots and plots amended with nitrogen and phosphorus.
Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots at Toolik field station in moist acidic and moist non acidic tussock tundra, and dry heath tundra.
Percent carbon, percent nitrogen, del13C and del15N were measured from above ground plant and belowground stem biomass samples from experimental plots in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tundra. Biomass data are in 2000lgshttbm.dat.
Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tundra.
Phenological stages of evergeen plants were observed at a long term experimental moist acidic tussock tundra (Arctic LTER) in 1996 near Toolik Lake, AK. Also, ITEX maximum growth measurements were recorded on August 19th (moist tussock tundra). Experimental treatments at each site included factorial NxP, greenhouse and shadehouse and were begun in 1989. See 96gsphdc and 96gsphsg for phenological data on deciduous and sedge species.
Vascular plant species list, by quadrat, for harvests of tussock tundra, wet sedge tundra, dry heath tundra, and a toposequence which also included "shrub/lupine," "riverside willow" and "footslope Equisetum" communities. Includes results of long-term nutrient enrichment, increased temperature, and shade houses in selected tundra types.
Quadrats were harvested for aboveground biomass from eight plots within a tussock, watertrack, and snowbed community at 3 sites - acidic tundra near Toolik (site of acidic LTER plots), nonacidic tundra near Toolik Lake(site of non-acidic LTER plots), and acidic tundra near Sagwon. All vascular species were sorted, divided into new and old growth, dried, and weighed. Lichens were separated by genus in all quadrats. In half of the quadrats (n=4), mosses were separated by species. Moss and lichen data are presented by species elsewhere (see 97lgmosslichen.txt).
Phenological stages of sedges were observed at a long term experimental moist tussock tundra site and a long-term experimental wet sedge tundra sites near Toolik Lake, AK. Also, ITEX maximum growth measurements were recorded on August 19th (moist tussock tundra). Experimental treatments at each site included factorial NxP, greenhouse and shadehouse and were begun in 1989. See 96gsphdc.html and 96gsphsg.html for phenological data on deciduous and evergeen species.
Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass was measured in Arctic LTER tussock tundra experimental small mammal exclosures. Treatments included Control, Nitrogen plus Phosphorus with both fenced and unfenced plots. In addition a moist non-acidic tussock tundra site was harvested. Leaf areas were also measured for each quadrat but are in a separate file.
A harvest was conducted to determine productivity of rare species not found in at least 4 quadrats per site in a separate small quadrat aboveground biomass harvest (see 97lg3sbm.txt). Harvests occurred in a tussock, watertrack, and snowbed community at 3 sites - acidic tundra near Toolik (site of acidic LTER plots), nonacidic tundra near Toolik Lake(site of non-acidic LTER plots), and acidic tundra near Sagwon. Moss and lichen data are presented by species elsewhere (see 97lgmosslichen).
GPS locations and vegetation descriptions for the ITEX flux survey plots. Survey plots were located in the Toolik Lake LTER fertilization experiment in Alaska; at Imnavait Creek, Alaska; at Paddus, Latnjajaure and the Stepps site near Abisko in northern Sweden; at various sites in Adventdalen, Svalbard; in the Zackenberg valley, Northeast Greenland; at BEO near Barrow, Alaska and at the Anaktuvuk River Burn in Alaska. Measurements were made during the growing seasons 2003 to 2009.
This data file contains the data on weights and lengths from retrospective growth analysis of different stem age classes of Betula nana ramets from the Arctic LTER Nutrient and Warming manipulations in moist acidic tussock tundra at Toolik Lake.
This data file contains the data on weights and lengths from retrospective growth analysis of different stem age classes of Betula nana ramets from the LTER Nutrient and Warming manipulations in tussock tundra at Toolik Lake.
A list of plant species encountered during the ITEX flux survey, with their corrresponding 6 letter codes and functional groups. Research sites were located in the Toolik Lake LTER fertilization experiment in Alaska; at Imnavait Creek, Alaska; at Paddus, Latnjajaure and the Stepps site near Abisko in northern Sweden; at various sites in Adventdalen, Svalbard; in the Zackenberg valley, Northeast Greenland; at BEO near Barrow, Alaska and at the Anaktuvuk River Burn in Alaska. Data was collected during the growing seasons 2003 to 2006.
Estimated aerial plant % cover by functional type in flux plots measured during the ITEX cirumarctic flux survey 2004-2006. Survey plots were located in the Toolik Lake LTER fertilization experiment in Alaska; at Imnavait Creek, Alaska; at Paddus, Latnjajaure and the Stepps site near Abisko in northern Sweden; at various sites in Adventdalen, Svalbard; in the Zackenberg valley, Northeast Greenland; at BEO near Barrow, Alaska and at the Anaktuvuk River Burn in Alaska. Measurements were made during the growing seasons 2003 to 2009.
Estimated aerial plant % cover by species in flux plots measured during the ITEX circumarctic flux survey 2004-2006. Flux plots were located in the Toolik Lake LTER fertilization experiment in Alaska; at Imnavait Creek, Alaska; at Paddus, Latnjajaure and the Stepps site near Abisko in northern Sweden; at various sites in Adventdalen, Svalbard; in the Zackenberg valley, Northeast Greenland; at BEO near Barrow, Alaska and at the Anaktuvuk River Burn in Alaska.
Numbers of Eriophorum vaginatum inflorescences, both unclipped and clipped by small mammals, were counted in experimental plots. The plots are setup in moist acidic tussock tundra near Toolik Field Station, Alaska ((8 degrees 37' 27" N, 149 degrees 36' 27"W) and include fenced exclosures in both fertilized and unfertilized tundra.
Phenological stages of deciduous plants were observed at a long term experimental moist acidic tussock tundra site (Arctic LTER) near Toolik Field Station, AK. Also, ITEX maximum growth measurements were recorded on August 19th (moist tussock tundra). Experimental treatments at each site included factorial NxP, greenhouse and shadehouse and were begun in 1989. See 96gspheg.html and 96gsphsg. html for phenological data on evergreen and sedge species.
Above ground plant and below ground stem biomass was measured in the Arctic LTER acidic tussock tundra experimental plots. Treatments included control, nitrogen plus phosphorus amended plots for either 6 or 13 years and vole exclosure plots with or without amends of nitrogen and phosphorus.
Leaf areas were measured on quadrats harvested in Arctic LTER tussock tundra experimental small mammal exclosures. Treatments included Control, Nitrogen plus Phosphorus with both fenced and unfenced plots. In addition a moist non-acidic tussock tundra site was harvested. Biomass was also measured for each quadrat but is in a separate file.
Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tundra.
Percent carbon and percent nitrogen were measured from above ground plant and belowground stem biomass samples from experimental plots in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tundra. Biomass data are in 2001lgshttbm.dat.
Aboveground plant and belowground stem biomass were measured in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tussock tundra experimental plots. Treatments at the acidic site include control and nitrogen (N) plus phosphorus (P) amendments; treatments at the non-acidic site include N, P, N+P, greenhouse warming, and greenhouse+N+P.
Note: Version 8 corrected an error where Carex vaginata was listed twice under treatment of "Nitrogen Phosphorus". The tissues with 8 quadrats were "Greenhouse" treatment.
Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots in moist acidic and moist non-acidic tundra.
Arthropods (spiders and insects) were collected three times during the 2013 summer using pitfall traps and vacuum sampling in plots fertilized with Nitrogen and Phosphorus for 24 years, and in control plots, in an experiment established near Toolik Field Station, Alaska. Pitfall traps were placed for 48-hour intervals; vacuum samples were taken in a 1m2 area. Collected invertebrates were counted and identified to order or family.
Relative percent cover was measured for plant species on Arctic LTER experimental plots at Toolik field station in moist acidic and non-acidic tundra.
Relative percent cover of plant species was measured in ARC-LTER 1989 moist acidic tundra experimental plots. Treatments include Control (CT), Nitrogen Phosphorus (NP), Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Greenhouse Control (GHCT). In 1996 on unassigned plots, an experiment that manipulate herbivory presence and nutrients was started. Treatments include Control Unfenced (NFCT), Nitrogen Phosphorus Unfenced (NFNP), and Small Fenced Control (CTSF). Not all treatments were measured each year.