Phenological stages of evergeen plants were observed at a long term experimental moist acidic tussock tundra (Arctic LTER) in 1996 near Toolik Lake, AK. Also, ITEX maximum growth measurements were recorded on August 19th (moist tussock tundra). Experimental treatments at each site included factorial NxP, greenhouse and shadehouse and were begun in 1989. See 96gsphdc and 96gsphsg for phenological data on deciduous and sedge species.
Data Set Results
Vascular plant species list, by quadrat, for harvests of tussock tundra, wet sedge tundra, dry heath tundra, and a toposequence which also included "shrub/lupine," "riverside willow" and "footslope Equisetum" communities. Includes results of long-term nutrient enrichment, increased temperature, and shade houses in selected tundra types.
Phenological stages of sedges were observed at a long term experimental moist tussock tundra site and a long-term experimental wet sedge tundra sites near Toolik Lake, AK. Also, ITEX maximum growth measurements were recorded on August 19th (moist tussock tundra). Experimental treatments at each site included factorial NxP, greenhouse and shadehouse and were begun in 1989. See 96gsphdc.html and 96gsphsg.html for phenological data on deciduous and evergeen species.
Phenological stages of deciduous plants were observed at a long term experimental moist acidic tussock tundra site (Arctic LTER) near Toolik Field Station, AK. Also, ITEX maximum growth measurements were recorded on August 19th (moist tussock tundra). Experimental treatments at each site included factorial NxP, greenhouse and shadehouse and were begun in 1989. See 96gspheg.html and 96gsphsg. html for phenological data on evergreen and sedge species.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
Output data sets of the MBL-GEM III model for a typical tussock-tundra hill slope. The model is described in two papers:
Le Dizès, S., Kwiatkowski B.L., Rastetter E.B., Hope A., Hobbie J.E., Stow D., Daeschner S., 2003 Modelling biogeochemical responses of tundra ecosystems to temporal and spatial variations in climate in the Kuparuk River Basin (Alaska), Journal of Geophysical Research Vol. 108 No. D2 10.1029/2001JD000960.
Output data set of the MBL-GEM III model run for tussock tundra in the Kuparuk River Basin, Alaska, described in detail in Le Dizès, S., B. L. Kwiatkowski, E. B. Rastetter, A. Hope, J. E. Hobbie, D. Stow, and S. Daeschner, Modeling biogeochemical responses of tundra ecosystems to temporal and spatial variations in climate in the Kuparuk River Basin (Alaska), J. Geophys. Res., 108(D2), 8165, doi:10.1029/2001JD000960, 2003.
The Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model is used to simulate the recovery of Alaskan arctic tussock tundra to thermal erosion features (TEFs) caused by permafrost thaw and mass wasting. TEFs could be significant to regional carbon (C) and nutrient budgets because permafrost soils contain large stocks of soil organic matter (SOM) and TEFs are expected to become more frequent as climate warms. These simulations deal only with recovery following TEF stabilization and do not address initial losses of C and nutrients during TEF formation.
This was an experimental burn conducted in the summer of 2015 to provide sites for an experiment to see whether seeds of Eriophorum vaginatum from different ecotypes could establish in recently burned areas. It consisted of ten 2 meter X 2 meter plots along with a similar number of control plots. There was little seedling establishment but other data have been collected on the plots.
We use the Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model to examine the responses of twelve ecosystems - from the arctic to the tropics and from grasslands to forests - to elevated carbon dioxide (CO2), warming, and 20% decreases or increases in annual precipitation.
We use the Multiple Element Limitation (MEL) model to examine the responses of twelve ecosystems - from the arctic to the tropics and from grasslands to forests - to elevated carbon dioxide (CO2), warming, and 20% decreases or increases in annual precipitation.
Climate change is increasing extreme weather events, but effects on high-frequency weather variability and the resultant impacts on ecosystem function are poorly understood. We assessed ecosystem responses of arctic tundra to changes in day-to-day weather variability using a biogeochemical model and stochastic simulations of daily temperature, precipitation, and light. Changes in weather variability altered ecosystem carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus stocks and cycling rates.
Climate change is increasing extreme weather events, but effects on high-frequency weather variability and the resultant impacts on ecosystem function are poorly understood. We assessed ecosystem responses of arctic tundra to changes in day-to-day weather variability using a biogeochemical model and stochastic simulations of daily temperature, precipitation, and light. Changes in weather variability altered ecosystem carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus stocks and cycling rates.