A spectrophotometer was used to scan the canopy vegetation at four sites near Imnavait Creek each year from 2008 - 2010 by Toolik Lake LTER, Alaska. Reflectance spectra from 310-1130 nm are presented here with information relating the date and site of the scan.
Data Set Results
A spectrophotometer was used to scan the canopy vegetation at four sites along Imnavait Creek in the Kuparuk Watershed near Toolik Lake LTER, Alaska. The resulting reflectance spectra were used to calculate average vegetation indices for each site and collection day.
The Anaktuvuk River Fire occurred in 2007 on the North Slope of Alaska. In 2008, three eddy covariance towers were established at sites representing unburned tundra, moderately burned tundra, and severely burned tundra. Eriophorum vaginatum flowers were counted from annual photographs of each site during peak flowering season (6/17-7/20).
The Anaktuvuk River Fire occurred in 2007 on the North Slope of Alaska. In 2008, three eddy covariance towers were established at sites represent ing unburned tundra, moderately burned tundra, and severely burned tundra. During the 2008-2014 growing seasons, canopy vegetation within the footprint of each of these towers was scanned with a handheld spectrophotometer several times throughout the growing season. Average reflectance spectra per site and collection day are presented here.