Responses of tundra plants to experimental warming: Meta-analysis of the international tundra experiment

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TitleResponses of tundra plants to experimental warming: Meta-analysis of the international tundra experiment
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsArft, AM, Walker, MD, Gurevitch, J, Alatalo, JM, M Bret-Harte, S, Dale, M, Diemer, M, Gugerli, F, Henry, GHR, Jones, MH, Hollister, RD, Jonsdottir, IS, Laine, K, Levesque, E, Marion, GM, Molau, U, Molgaard, P, Nordenhall, U, Raszhivin, V, Robinson, CH, Starr, G, Stenstrom, A, Stenstrom, M, Totland, Ø, P. Turner, L, Walker, LJ, Webber, PJ, Welker, JM, Wookey, PA
JournalEcological Monographs
Accession NumberARC477
Keywordsdifferential growth
Short TitleResponses of tundra plants to experimental warming: Meta-analysis of the international tundra experiment