Salvelinus malma

FishScape Tag Data
Linda Deegan, 2019 Fish tagging data (length, weight, tag number) from the Kuparuk, the Sagavanirktok (primarily Oksrukuyik Creek) and the Itkillik (primarily the I-Minus outlet stream) watersheds, 2009 - 2017. 10.6073/pasta/febee98e62aaa9001e5747432ded64bd
Since 2009, the FISHSCAPE  Project (grant number  1719267, 1417754, and 0902153), based at Toolik Field Station, has monitored physical, chemical, and biolog
FishScape Genomics
Heidi Golden, 2019 Arctic grayling neutral genomic microsatellite loci from the Kuparuk, the Sagavanirktok (primarily Oksrukuyik Creek) and the Itkillik (primarily the I-Minus outlet stream) watersheds, 2010-2014. 10.6073/pasta/bd8c1cc011851190a291862d6b3bfa52
Since 2009, The FISHSCAPE Project (National Science Foundation grants: 1719267, 1417754, and 0902153), based at Toolik Field Station, has monitored physical, chemical, and biological parameters within three watersheds: The Kuparuk (including Toolik Lake and Toolik outlet stream), The Sagavanirktok (primarily Oksrukuyik Creek, but also including sections of the Atigun River and Tea and Galbraith Lakes), and Itkillik (primarily the I-Minus outlet stream a tributary that that feeds into the Itkilik River).  Goals of the FISHSCAPE project are to understand and predict the adaptability and persi
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