Terrestrial Invertebrates
Invertebrates (spiders, insects and slugs).
Invertebrates (spiders, insects and slugs).
Abstract | |
Laura Gough, 2012 Abundance of major taxonomic groups of invertebrates (arthropods and gastropods) collected with pitfall traps at four sites near Toolik Field Station Arctic LTER, Alaska in the summer of 2010.. 10.6073/pasta/d6bf5986e484a45166e1ffb250031f9d |
Invertebrates (spiders, insects and slugs) were collected weekly using pitfall traps at four sites near the Arctic LTER at Toolik Field Station, Alaska. Traps were placed along transects in shrub (shrub-dominant) and open (tussock-dominant) tundra sites. Pitfall traps were placed for 48-hour intervals once per week from early June until mid-July 2010. Collected invertebrates were counted and identified to class (all invertebrates), order or family (for some of the most common families collected). |
Ashley Asmus, Laura Gough, 2014 Weekly biomass and abundance of sweepnet-captured aboveground arthropods at four sites near Toolik Field Station, Alaska, summers 2010-2014. 10.6073/pasta/7aac60b678f218cfd8d7ac8c1f200eac |
The abundance and dry biomass of canopy-dwelling arthropods (insects and small spiders) was tracked over five summers (2010-2014) at four sites near Toolik Field Station, Alaska. At each site, a shrub-dominant and tussock-tundra habitat was chosen for sampling, for a total of 8 sampling locations. At each sampling location, a 100-meter transect was established. Arthropods were sampled along the transect weekly by passing a sweepnet through and over the vegetation. After killing the arthropods with pest strips and freezing, they were sorted from the associated leaf litter and counted. |
Ashley Asmus, 2017 Abundance and biomass of major taxonomic groups of arthropods collected with pitfall and vacuum sampling in Arctic LTER plots fertilized for 24 years near Toolik Field Station, Alaska in the summer of 2013.. 10.6073/pasta/9d196783552470aaecb648001e650d55 |
Arthropods (spiders and insects) were collected three times during the 2013 summer using pitfall traps and vacuum sampling in plots fertilized with Nitrogen and Phosphorus for 24 years, and in control plots, in an experiment established near Toolik Field Station, Alaska. Pitfall traps were placed for 48-hour intervals; vacuum samples were taken in a 1m2 area. Collected invertebrates were counted and identified to order or family. |
Amanda Koltz, 2018 Effects of experimentally altered wolf spider densities and warming on soil microarthropods, litter decomposition, litter N, and soil nutrients near Toolik Field Station, AK in summer 2012 . 10.6073/pasta/d1fb3658f397c837b1ac49c42c2bdff7 |
Predators can disproportionately impact the structure and function of ecosystems relative to their biomass. These effects may be exacerbated under warming in ecosystems like the Arctic, where the number and diversity of predators are low and small shifts in community interactions can alter carbon cycle feedbacks. Here we show that warming alters the effects of wolf spiders, a dominant tundra predator, on belowground litter decomposition and nutrient dynamics. |