This was an experimental burn conducted in the summer of 2015 to provide sites for an experiment to see whether seeds of Eriophorum vaginatum from different ecotypes could establish in recently burned areas. It consisted of ten 2 meter X 2 meter plots along with a similar number of control plots. There was little seedling establishment but other data have been collected on the plots.
Project Keywords:
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In the summer of 2015, ten 1m x1m plots separated by approximately 1m were burned using a weed burner, until the plots were thoroughly burned down to the organic layer. In early spring of 2016, 10 control plots were setup adjacent to the burned plots, alternating which side they were selected to ensure random soil properties (picture on the right). Each burned plot had one tussock, that was haphazardly chosen to have a single tiller tagged with a plastic zip tie. The control plots were selected for a tussock of equivalent size to that of the burned plots. The dead, brown leaves were clipped from the tiller and the total length and the green length of each live leaf was measured to the closest 0.5 cm approximately weekly. This was done by placing the ruler as far into the tussock as possible and measuring from that point to the end of the leaves. NDVI data was collected using a handheld Greenseeker (Trimble Agriculture, Sunnyvale, California, USA). Using a relationship between the field-of-view of the greenseeker and the width of the tussock, we were able to make a custom meter stick that dictated the height at which to hold the greenseeker to accurately scan the whole tussock without interference from nearby plants. We also had two bubble levels to ensure proper positioning. For intertussock measurements, we used the 30 mark height on our custom ruler for all plots. Only a few thaw depth and flower count measurements were done, so they may not be useful this season, but will become regular in 2017.
Data is separated into two sheets:
'All leaves' contains leaves that were already partly senescence at the beginning of the season and leaves that were initialized but for growth in the next season
'Active leaves only' only include leaves that have no senesced portions and/or are actively elongating in that year
Version Changes:
Version 1 uploaded to data portal
Version 2: corrected author listing.
Version 3: Removed abbreviations.
Sites sampled.
EML Link:
Full Metadata and data files (either comma delimited (csv) or Excel) - Environmental Data Initiative repository.
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