Toolik Main


Toolik Lake Main Station


Datasets at this location
Title Owner/Creator
Chlorophyll a and primary productivity data for various lakes near Toolik Research Station, Arctic LTER. Summer 1990 to 1999. Anne Giblin, George Kling
Water chemistry data for various lakes near Toolik Research Station, Arctic LTER. Summer 1990 to 1999. Anne Giblin, George Kling
Number of bacteria in the water column of lakes sampled near Toolik Lake LTER Alaska, throughout summer season, 1992-2000. John Hobbie
Average Epilimnetic Conductivity from 1992 to present in Tooli Lake, Arctic LTER, Alaska. Anne Giblin, Christopher Luecke, George Kling
Zooplankton density for lake samples collected near Toolik Lake Arctic LTER in the summers between 1993-2002. Phaedra Budy, Christopher Luecke, John O'Brien
Number of cyanobacteria in Toolik Lake at 1 meter depth during June, July and August 1996 , Arctic LTER, summer 1996. John Hobbie
Bacterial Production Data for lakes and lake inlets/outlets samples collected summer 1996, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska. George Kling
Bacterial Production Data for lakes and lake inlets/outlets samples collected summer 1997, Arctic LTER, Toolik Research Station, Alaska. George Kling
Identification of taxa, counts, biomass and carbon biomass calculations for phytoplankton and ciliates from artic lakes near Toolik Lake LTER in summer 1998. John Hobbie
Concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), carbon and nitrogen concentrations, C:N ratios and del 13C isotope value for lakes and rivers on North Slope from Brooks Range to Prudhoe Bay, Arctic LTER 1988 to 2005 George Kling, Christopher Luecke
