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Journal Article
Weiss, M., Sarah E Hobbie, and Gretchen M Gettel. Contrasting Responses Of Nitrogen-Fixation In Arctic Lichens To Experimental And Ambient Nitrogen And Phosphorus Availability. Arctic, Antarctic And Alpine Research 37, no. 3. Arctic, Antarctic And Alpine Research (2005): 396-401. doi:10.1657/1523-0430%282005%29037%5B0396%3ACRONIA%5D2.0.CO%3B2.
Hershey, A. E, S. Beaty, K. Fortino, Matthew D Keyse, P. P Mou, W. John O'Brien, A. J Ulseth, et al.. Effect Of Landscape Factors On Fish Distributions In Arctic Alaskan Lakes. Freshwater Biology 51. Freshwater Biology (2005): 39-55. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2427.2005.01474.x.
Gettel, Gretchen M, Anne E Giblin, and R. W Howarth. The Effects Of Grazing By The Snail Lymnaea Elodes On Benthic N2 Fixation And Primary Production In Oligotrophic, Arctic Lakes. Limnology And Oceanography 52, no. 6. Limnology And Oceanography (2007): 2398–2409. doi:10.4319/lo.2007.52.6.2398.
Hershey, A. E, Gretchen M Gettel, M. E McDonald, M. C Miller, H. Mooers, W. John O'Brien, J. Pastor, C. Richards, and J. A Schuldt. The Geomorphic-Trophic Hypothesis For Arctic Lake Food Webs. Vereinigung Verhandlungen International Limnologie 27. Vereinigung Verhandlungen International Limnologie (2000): 3269-3274. doi:10.1080/03680770.1998.11898286.
Hobara, S., C. McCalley, Keisuke Koba, Anne E Giblin, M. Weiss, Gretchen M Gettel, and Gaius R Shaver. Nitrogen Fixation In Surface Soils And Vegetation In An Arctic Tundra Watershed: A Key Source Of Atmospheric Nitrogen. Arctic, Antarctic And Alpine Research 38, no. 3. Arctic, Antarctic And Alpine Research (2006): 363-372. doi:10.1657/1523-0430(2006)38%5B363:Nfissa%5D2.0.Co;2.
O'Brien, W. John, M. Barfield, Neil D Bettez, Gretchen M Gettel, A. E Hershey, M. E McDonald, M. C Miller, et al.. Physical, Chemical And Biotic Effects On Arctic Zooplankton Communities And Diversity. Special Volume Of Limnology And Oceanography 49. Special Volume Of Limnology And Oceanography (2004): 1250-1261. doi:10.4319/lo.2004.49.4_part_2.1250.