Identification of taxa, counts, biomass and carbon biomass calculations for phytoplankton and ciliates from artic lakes near Toolik Lake LTER in summer 1998.
Project Keywords:
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EML revision ID:
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Samples were preserved in Lugol's solution before shipment to Sweden.
Identification to the level of taxa was made via light microscopy from known
volumes in settling chambers.
Reference Citations: Olrik, K., P. Blomqvist, P. Brettum, G. Cronberg, P. Eloranta and E. Herlitz.
1998. Methods for Quantitative Assessment of Phytoplankton in Freshwater, parts
I and II. Naturvardsverket, Stockholm.
Sampling Description.
Variable description: C= counted number of cells in all counting fields Ae= effective filter area (mm2) n= number of fields analyzed v= sample volume corrected for preservative addition As= area of counting filed (mm2) Biomass is based on geometric formulas, e.g., sphere volume V= p/6 x d3 cylinder V= p/4 x d2 x l ellipsoid V= p/6 x l x a x b (see reference) carbon biomass is calculated from volume biomass, where C= phytoplankton carbon (ug l-1 C) B= phytoplankton biomass (ug l-1 wet mass) Cyanophytes Thecate dinoflagellates Diatoms C= B x 0.22 C= B x 0.13 C= B x 0.11
N (cells/ml) = C*Ae/(n*v*As)
Version Changes:
NAME: Neil Bettez
DATE:23 Jan 02
Version 1: Data files for individual lakes combined into one file for 1998. Metadata sheet updated to newer version (with sites sheet). CH April 2013.
Version 2: File renamed to 1998ArcLTER_phyto
Version 2: Checked keywords against the LTER network preferred list and replaced non-preferred terms. Jim L 27Jan14
Changed Distribution URL since the LTER network DAS system is being discontinued. JimL 9Apr2015
Version 3: Camp Pond coordinates were wrong. It is a pond near the southern end of the old Toolik airstrip. Jim L 30Sept2019
Sites sampled.
EML Link:
Full Metadata and data files (either comma delimited (csv) or Excel) - Environmental Data Initiative repository.
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