Physical site characteristics for the ARCSS/TK stream dissolved organic carbon biodegradability (2011) data set.


The (ARCSSTK) did extensive research during 2009-2011 field seasons in Arctic Alaska. The objective of this data set was to measure the quantity and biodegradability of DOC from headwater streams and rivers across three geographic regions and across four natural ‘treatments’ (reference; thermokarst-; burned-, and thermokarst + burned-impacted streams) to evaluate which factors most strongly influence DOC quantity and biodegradablity at a watershed scale. This table provides physical site characteristics for the locations sampled for stream water biodegradability.

Project Keywords: 

Data set ID: 


EML revision ID: 

Published on EDI/LTER Data Portal


Bowden, W. 2014. Physical site characteristics for the ARCSS/TK stream dissolved organic carbon biodegradability (2011) data set. Environmental Data Initiative.



Additional People: 

Associated Researcher

Date Range: 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011 to Friday, August 19, 2011

Publication Date: 



Andrew Balser helped to complete this table with the glacial age, Ecotype and Vegetation categories.

Ecotype source: Jorgenson, M. T., J. E. Roth, P. F. Miller, M. J. Macander, M. S. Duffy, A. F. Wells, G. V. Frost, and E. R. Pullman (2010), An ecological land survey and landcover map of the Arctic Network. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/ARCN/NRTR—2009/270., edited, National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.

Vegetation source: Viereck, L. A., C. T. Dyrness, A. R. Batten, and K. J. Wenzlick (1992), The Alaska Vegetation Classification, edited by U.S.D.A. Forest Service, 278pp, Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-286, Portland, OR.

Watershed areas were calculated by Randy Fulweber at Toolik Field Station GIS.

Version Changes: 

annual data is updated into new file
v1. October 2014: metadata added, J. Stuckey at TFS GIS is currently working up additional site characteristics (Nov 2014) - JL

Sites sampled.

Full Metadata and data files (either comma delimited (csv) or Excel) - Environmental Data Initiative repository.

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