Soil temperature data from the Toolik Tussock Experimental plots, Arctic LTER 1990.


Soil temperature data from the Toolik Tussock Experimental plots. In 1990 a Campbell CR21x datalogger was installed in block 2 of the Toolik LTER experimental tussock plots. The plots are located on a hillside near Toolik Lake (68 38' N, 149 36'W). Sensors were placed in a control, fertilized, greenhouse, greenhouse fertilized, shade house and shade house fertilized sites.

Project Keywords: 

Data set ID: 


EML revision ID: 

Published on EDI/LTER Data Portal


Shaver, G. 1992. Soil temperature data from the Toolik Tussock Experimental plots, Arctic LTER 1990. Environmental Data Initiative.



Additional People: 

Associated Researcher
Associated Researcher

Date Range: 

Tuesday, May 1, 1990 to Saturday, September 1, 1990

Publication Date: 



Campbell CR21x datalogger is used to monitor weather and soil temperatures in the LTER experimental plots. Soil thermocouples were multiplexed with a Campbell AM416 multiplexer.
In the control plot sensors include: global solar radiation, photosynthetically active radiation, net radiation (Fritschen type), unfrozen precipitation and 3 meter air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and wind direction. In the greenhouses and shade houses plots, air temperature, relative humidity and photosynthetically active radiation were also measured during the growing season. These sensors were read every minute and averaged or totaled every hour.
In each plot two strings (one in a tussock and one in a moss-dominated area) of copper/constantin thermocouple wires (TC) were installed at depths of 10, 20, and 40 cm. The following label codes were used: CT=control, GH = greenhouses, SH = shade houses, F=fertilized, GF= greenhouse fertilized, SF = Shade house fertilized, with a suffix of 1 for tussock or 2 for moss bed. All measurements are in degree Celsius. All soil sensors were read every 15 minutes and averaged every 3 hours. Hourly data are in the files yyDLTUH.DAT, the three hourly data are in yyDLTUO.DAT, and daily summaries are in yyDLTUD.DAT, where yy is the year in which the data are collected. The original data is in file yyDLTDAT.ZIP which is archived at The Marine Biological Lab, Woods Hole, MA.
Note: The cover on greenhouses and shade houses are removed every fall and reinstalled every spring.

Notes: Station was setup on 23Jun90. South and north in the variable titles refers to the north or south end of the green/shade house where the sensor is placed.

Sampling Description.


Control plot soil thermocouples CT1 are in a E.vag tussock a tindicated depth. CT2 are in a moss inter-tussock area at indicated depth Greenhouse soil thermocouples GH1 are in a E.vag tussock at indicated depth. GH2 are in a moss inter-tussock area at indicated depth Shadehouse soil thermocouples SH1 are in a E.vag tussock at indicated depth. SH2 are in a moss inter-tussock area at indicated depth Fertilized plot soil thermocouples F1 are in a E.vag tussock at indicated depth. F2 are in a moss inter-tussock area at indicated depth Greenhouse fertilized soil thermocouples Celsius GF1 are in a E.vag tussock at indicated depth. GF2 are in a moss inter-tussock area at indicated depth Shadehouse fertilized soil thermocouples Celsius SF1 are in a E.vag tussock at indicated depth. SF2 are in a moss inter-tussock area at indicated depth

Version Changes: 

Log of changes:

Combined the data for the year and output comma delimied data. 5 Mar98 JimL.
19Oct00 Added year and y2k date. JimL

For Archival Use:

NAME: Julie Pallant
DATE: 3Oct91
Version 3: Metadata updated to newer form (with sites sheet). Units updated to current standards. Discrepancy with variable names fixed. CH April 2013.
Version 4: Changed Distrubution URL since the LTER network DAS system is being discontinued. JimL 9Apr2015

Sites sampled.

Full Metadata and data files (either comma delimited (csv) or Excel) - Environmental Data Initiative repository.

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