Abstract | |
George Kling, Knute Nadelhoffer, Martin Sommerkorn, 2006 13C and 15N Content in Arctic Tussock Tundra and Wet Sedge Vegetation. 10.6073/pasta/ee1d007696eba422c9914f7cfd6f6f4d |
This file contains 13C and 15N content from tussock tundra and wet sedge vegetation collected from experiemental plots during the years 2001-2006. |
Abstract | |
John (J.C.) Weber, John Hobbie, 2011 Plant litter, soil, plants and fungal fruiting bodies 15N, 13C, percent C and N along Dalton Highway, Alaska 2004, 1990, 2007.. 10.6073/pasta/015d969d9fa8edad701ac0141614472a |
The data set includes 15N and 13C for plant litter, soil, plants and fungal fruiting bodies (mycorrhizae), percent C (soil organic matter and percent N from samples collected in three separate trips (1990, 2004, 2007) along the transect of the Dalton Highway (AK) extending from the Yukon River on the south to Prudhoe Bay on the north. |