long-term exclusion

Plant communities and plant species list for area around Toolik Lake.

Terrestrial Plant Communities and Plant Species List
Austin Roy, Jennie McLaren, 2022 Soil and plant biogeochemical and soil temperature variables collected at brown lemming (Lemmus trimucronatus) and tundra vole (Microtus oeconomus) structure sties near Nome, Toolik Lake, and Utqaigvik, Alaska, summer 2018-2020. 10.6073/pasta/bfb12a6cf2ccf923df22bce8e4353f69
Soil and plant sampling analysis under small mammal-built structures and controls sites from near the Team Vole fences: Nome, Toolik, Utqiagvik, AK 2018-2020.
Laura Gough, Austin Roy, 2022 Small mammal structure cover collected at Team Vole fences near Nome, Toolik Lake, and Utqaigvik, Alaska, summer 2019. 10.6073/pasta/e8f1f800c4d632a6178ba3a1928bc0b5
Percent cover of tundra vole and brown lemming structures collected from within the Team Vole enclosure/exclosure fences near Nome, Toolik, Utqiagvik, AK 2019.
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