secondary growth

Plant biomass, production and chemistry measurements near Toolik Lake, Alaska for moist tundra, wet sedge, tall shrub, and dry heath. Some harvests include total nitrogen and phosphorus.

Terrestrial Biomass
Gaius Shaver, M. Syndonia Bret-Harte, 1998 Weights and lengths from retrospective growth analysis of different stem age classes of Betula nana, 1995, Arctic LTER, Toolik Lake, Alaska.. 10.6073/pasta/25e6539b3b55340d318a1a6befb82764
This data file contains the data on weights and lengths from retrospective growth analysis of different stem age classes of Betula nana ramets from the LTER Nutrient and Warming manipulations in tussock tundra at Toolik Lake.
Terrestrial Plant Phenological and Growth Data
Gaius Shaver, 1993 Stems were measured, and aged from Ledum palustre and Salix pulchra on LTER Moist Acidic Tussock Tundra 1981 plots summer 1990, Toolik Lake Filed Station, AK.. 10.6073/pasta/be23ab065016ae190ff2e6ead5f4a9ad
Stems were measured, and aged from Ledum palustre and Salix pulchra species on treated plots at Toolik Lake, AK. Stem secondary growth in per cent per year was estimated from the slope of weight per unit length vs. age.
Gaius Shaver, M. Syndonia Bret-Harte, 1998 Data on weights and lengths from retrospective growth analysis of different stem age classes of Betula nana ramets from the Arctic LTER Nutrient and Warming manipulations in mosit acidic tussock tundra at 1995, Toolik Lake, AK.. 10.6073/pasta/e000a9e4cc98e60d1ed631d68b26246b
This data file contains the data on weights and lengths from retrospective growth analysis of different stem age classes of Betula nana ramets from the Arctic LTER Nutrient and Warming manipulations in moist acidic tussock tundra at Toolik Lake.
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