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O'Brien, W. John, H. I Browman, and B. I Evans. Search Strategies Of Foraging Animals. American Scientist 78, no. 2. American Scientist (1990): 152-160.
O'Brien, W. John, and Chris Luecke. The Coexistence Of A Predaceous Copepod And A Daphnid: Weeding And Gardening In The Arctic. Vereinigung Verhandlungen International Limnologie 23. Vereinigung Verhandlungen International Limnologie (1988): 2069-2074. doi:10.1080/03680770.1987.11899852.
O'Brien, W. John. Heterocope, An Important Predator Structuring Arctic Pond Zooplankton Communities: A Mesocosm Study. Vereinigung Verhandlungen International Limnologie 27. Vereinigung Verhandlungen International Limnologie (2001): 3686-3689. doi:10.1080/03680770.1998.11902517.
W. O'Brien, John, and David Schmidt. Arctic \Textit{Bosmina Morphology And Copepod Predation1. Limnology And Oceanography 24. Limnology And Oceanography (1979): 564–568. doi:10.4319/lo.1979.24.3.0564.
O'Brien, W. John, and J. J Showalter. Effects Of Current Velocity And Suspended Debris On The Drift Feeding Of Arctic Grayling. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society 122. Transactions Of The American Fisheries Society (1993): 609-615. doi:10.1577/1548-8659%281993%29122<0609%3AEOCVAS>2.3.CO%3B2.
Nadelhoffer, K. J, Gaius R Shaver, B. Fry, Anne E Giblin, L. C Johnson, and R. B McKane. N-15 Natural Abundances And N Use By Tundra Plants. Oecologia 107, no. 3. Oecologia (1996): 386-394. doi:10.1007/bf00328456.
Nadelhoffer, K. J, Gaius R Shaver, Anne E Giblin, and Edward B Rastetter. Potential Impacts Of Climate Change On Nutrient Cycling, Cecomposition And Productivity In Arctic Ecosystems. In Global Change And Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems, 349-364. Global Change And Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems. NY: Springer-Verlag, 1997.
Nadelhoffer, K. J, A. E Linkins, Anne E Giblin, and Gaius R Shaver. Microbial Processes And Plant Nutrient Availability In Arctic Soils. In Arctic Ecosystems In A Changing Climate: An Ecophysiological Perspective, 281-300. Arctic Ecosystems In A Changing Climate: An Ecophysiological Perspective. New York: Academic Press, 1992.
