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Hullar, M. AJ, M. J Kaufman, and J. R Vestal. The Effects Of Nutrient Enrichment On The Distribution Of Microbial Heterotrophic Activity In Arctic Lakes. International Society For Microbial Ecology Journal. International Society For Microbial Ecology Journal, 1986.
Huebner, Diane Christine, Vladimir Douhovnikoff, Diana E Wolf, and Syndonia M. Bret-Harte. Recruitment Dynamics And Population Structure Of Willows In Tundra Disturbed By Retrogressive Thaw Slump Thermokarst On Alaska’s North Slope. Perspectives In Plant Ecology, Evolution And Systematics 41. Perspectives In Plant Ecology, Evolution And Systematics (2019): 125494. doi:10.1016/j.ppees.2019.125494.
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Hobbie, John E, T. L Corliss, and Bruce J Peterson. Seasonal Patterns Of Bacterial Abundance In An Arctic Lake. Arctic And Alpine Research 15, no. 2. Arctic And Alpine Research (1983): 253-259. doi:10.2307/1550926.
Hobbie, John E, Bonnie L Kwiatkowski, Edward B Rastetter, D. A Walker, and R. B McKane. Carbon Cycling In The Kuparuk Basin: Plant Production, Carbon Storage, And Sensitivity To Future Changes. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 103, no. D22. Journal Of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (1998): 29065-29073. doi:10.1029/98jd00804.
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Hobbie, John E, S. R Carpenter, Nancy B Grimm, James R Gosz, and Timothy R Seastedt. The Us Long Term Ecological Research Program. Bioscience 53. Bioscience (2003): 21–32. doi:10.1641/0006-3568(2003)053[0021:TULTER]2.0.CO;2.
Hobbie, John E, A. E Hershey, P. W Lienesch, M. E McDonald, George W Kling, and W. John O'Brien. Studies Of Fresh Waters On The North Slope. In Fifty More Years Below Zero: Tributes And Meditations For The Naval Arctic Research Laboratory's First Half Century At Barrow, Alaska., 123-128. Fifty More Years Below Zero: Tributes And Meditations For The Naval Arctic Research Laboratory's First Half Century At Barrow, Alaska. Fairbanks, AK: University of Alaska Press, 2001.
Hobbie, John E, Gaius R Shaver, J. A Laundre, K. Slavik, Linda A Deegan, W. John O'Brien, Steven F Oberbauer, and Sally MacIntyre. Climate Forcing At The Arctic Lter Site. In Climate Variability And Ecosystem Response At Long-Term Ecological Research (Lter) Sites., 74-91. Climate Variability And Ecosystem Response At Long-Term Ecological Research (Lter) Sites. New York: Oxford University Press., 2003.
Hobbie, John E. Microbial Control Of Dissolved Organic Carbon In Lakes: Research For The Future. Hydrobiologia 73. Hydrobiologia (1992): 169-180. doi:10.1007/BF00006999.
Hobbie, John E, S. R Carpenter, Nancy B Grimm, J. R Gosz, and T. R Seastedt. The U.s. Long Term Ecological Research (Lter) Program. Bioscience 53, no. 1. Bioscience (2003): 21-32. doi:10.1641/0006-3568(2003)053%5B0021:TULTER%5D2.0.CO;2.
