Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus interactions in the hyporheic zones of arctic streams that drain areas of continuous permafrost

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TitleCarbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus interactions in the hyporheic zones of arctic streams that drain areas of continuous permafrost
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2008
AuthorsBowden, WB, Greenwald, MJ, Gooseff, MN, Zarnetske, JP, McNamara, JP, Bradford, JH, Brosten, TR
EditorHinkel, DL, Kane, KM
Conference NameProceedings 9th International Congress on Permafrost - 29 June-3 July, 2008
Conference LocationUniversity of Alaska Fairbanks
Accession NumberARC518
Short TitleCarbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus interactions in the hyporheic zones of arctic streams that drain areas of continuous permafrost