Plant % cover by functional type for the ITEX CO2 flux survey plots at Toolik, Alaska; Abisko, Sweden; Svalbard, Norway; Zackenberg, Northeast Greenland; Anaktuvuk River Burn, Alaska and Barrow, Alaska 2003-2009. |
Best fit parameters describing net CO2 flux light response curves measured during the ITEX CO2 flux survey 2003-2009. |
ITEX circumarctic CO2 flux survey data from Toolik, Alaska; Abisko, Sweden; Svalbard, Norway; Zackenberg, Northeast Greenland; Anaktuvuk River Burn, Alaska and Barrow, Alaska 2003-2009. |
Plant % cover by species for the ITEX CO2 flux survey plots at Toolik, Alaska; Abisko, Sweden; Svalbard, Norway; Zackenberg, Northeast Greenland; and Barrow, Alaska 2004-2009 |
GPS coordinates and vegetation descriptions for the ITEX circumarctic flux survey plots 2003-2009 |
Soil temperature, volumetric water content and depth of thaw for ITEX CO2 flux survey plots 2003-2009. |
List of plant species and species codes for ITEX flux survey |
NDVI, leaf area index and total foliar N of harvests taken during the ITEX flux survey |
Leaf area, biomass, carbon and nitrogen content by species for harvests taken as part of the ITEX flux survey. |