Chronology of grant support for Arctic LTER and related projects

LTER grants

NSF 8702328 An LTER Program for the Alaskan Arctic

Gaius Shaver (Principal Investigator)


9-1-87 to 2-28-93

NSF DEB 9211775 The Arctic LTER Project: Terrestrial and Freshwater Research on Ecological Controls

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)
Bruce Peterson (Co-Principal Investigator)
Gaius Shaver (Co-Principal Investigator)


9-1-92 to 12-31-99

NSF DEB 9810222 The Arctic LTER Project: The Future Characteristics of Arctic Communities, Ecosystems, and Landscapes

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)
Bruce Peterson (Co-Principal Investigator)

Gaius Shaver (Co-Principal Investigator)


12-15-98 to 11-30-05

NSF DEB 0423385 The Arctic LTER Project: Regional Variation in Ecosystem Processes and Landscape Linkages

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)
Bruce Peterson (Co-Principal Investigator)
W. John O'Brien (Co-Principal Investigator)
Gaius Shaver (Co-Principal Investigator)
George Kling (Co-Principal Investigator)


12-1-04 to 11-30-07

LTER-related grants


NSF-OPP 7512951 Aquatic Ecosystem Modeling and the Role of Bacteria in Alaskan Arctic Lakes

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)

3-15-75 to 3-15-78


NSF OPP 7512949 Controls of Zooplankton Productivity in Large Arctic Lakes Of Alaska

W. John O'Brien


5-1-75 to 9-30-77

NSF-OPP 7512945 Dynamics and Ecological Role of Sestonic Detritus in Alaskan Arctic Lakes

Michael Miller

3-15-75 to 3-15-78



NSF OPP 7607929 Collaborative Research on Aquatic Ecosystem Modeling and The Role of Bacteria in Alaskan Arctic Lakes

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)


4-1-76 to 6-30-78

NSF OPP 7607931 Controls of Zoobenthos in North Slope Lakes – Fish Predation in Nitella Beds

Samuel Mozley


3-15-75 to 3-15-78

NSF OPP 7680652 Collaborative Research on Controls of Zooplankton Productivity in Large Arctic Lakes of Alaska

W. John O'Brien


1-1-77 to 6-30-78

ERDA-DOE #EE-77-03-1525. Research on dynamics of tundra ecosystems and their potential response to energy resource development.

Gaius Shaver (Co-principal investigator and subcontractor.)

6-76 to 5-79

NSF OPP 7680650 Role of Zooplankton in North Slope Tundra Lakes Role of Zooplankton in North Slope Tundra Lakes

James Haney


1-1-77 to 6-30-78


NSF OPP 7706656 Workshop on Arctic Alaska Limnology to Be Held in Woods Hole, Massachusetts During May, 1977

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)


4-15-77 to 9-30-78

NSF OPP 7722564 Nitrogen Nutrient Relationships, Artic Lake Process Studies (Alps)

Vera Alexander (Principal Investigator)


5-1-78 to 10-31-79

NSF OPP 7722994 Controls of Arctic Zooplankton, Arctic Lake Process Studies (Alps)

W. John O'Brien (Principal Investigator)


5-1-78 to 10-31-79

NSF OPP 7723475 Phosphorus in Arctic Lakes, Arctic Lake Process Studies (Alps)

Robert Barsdate (Principal Investigator)


5-1-78 to 5-31-79

NSF OPP 7723879 Arctic Streams and Arctic Bacteria, Arctic Lake Process Studies (Alps)

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)
Bruce Peterson (Co-Principal Investigator)

5-1-78 to 10-31-81

NSF OPP 7723883 Microbial Degradation of Organic Compounds, Arctic Lake Process Studies (Alps)

J. Robie Vestal (Principal Investigator)


5-1-78 to 10-31-79


NSF OPP 7827574 Microbial Degradation of Organic Compounds in Arctic Waters, A Component of Project Alps (Arctic Lake Process Studies)

J.Robie Vestal (Principal Investigator)


5-1-79 to 9-30-81$28000

NSF OPP 7828041 Controls of Arctic Zooplankton Production: a Component of Project Alps (Arctic Lake Process Studies)

W. John O'Brien


5-1-79 to 10-31-81

EPA R804152010 Effect of Petroleum Hydrocarbons on Microbial Populations in an Arctic Lake

Robert Barsdate

ERDA E 11-1-2989 Effect of Petroleum Hydrocarbons on Microbial Populations in an Arctic Lake

John Hobbie


U.S. Army Research Office DAA629-76-6-0296 Revegetation of Alaskan disturbed sites by native tundra species.

Gaius Shaver (Subcontractor and co-principal investigator.)

5-97 to 4-82

5-82 to 4-85

NSF OPP 7900815 Nitrogen Cycle Process Studies in Arctic Lakes and Streams, A Component of Project Alps (Arctic Lake Process Studies)

Vera Alexander Investigator)


5-15-79 to 8-31-81

NSF-DEB 7905842 Mobile Carbon Pools in Arctic Tundra Plants

F. Stuart Chapin (Principal Investigator)

Gaius Shaver (Subcontractor and Principal Investigator.)


5-15-79 to 10-31-82


NSF DEB-80-04174 Recovery of nutrients from senescing plant tissues: Its controls and its role in nutrient cycling.

Gaius Shaver (Principal Investigator)
Jerry Melillo (Co-Principal Investigator)


7-1-80 to 12-31-82

U.S. Army CRREL DACA89-80-M-1453 Baseline studies in arctic plant growth: Effects of latitude and annual climatic variation.

Gaius Shaver (Principal Investigator.)

6-80 to 11-80

6-81 to 6-82

6-82 to 6-83

6-83 to 6-84


NSF OPP 8102875 Arctic Lake Process Studies -- a Synthesis

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)
Bruce Peterson (Co-Principal Investigator)


8-15-81 to 11-30-83


NSF-DEB-8205344 The Relationship of Relative Growth Rate of Plants to Ecosystem Processes in Alaskan Tundra

F. Stuart Chapin (Principal Investigator)

Gaius Shaver (Subcontractor and Co-principal Investigator.)


7-1-82 to 6-30-86

NSF OPP 8219260 Collaborative Research on Responses of Arctic Freshwater Ecosystems to Increased Nutrients and Changes in Predator Abundance

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)


8-15-83 to 1-31-85


NSF OPP 8320544 Response of Arctic Freshwater Ecosystems to Environmental Stress

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)
Bruce Peterson (Co-Principal Investigator)


6-1-84 to 11-30-89


DOE-U8406034. Nutrient cycling on river floodplains in Arctic Alaska: Variation in biogeochemistry and response to disturbance.

Gaius Shaver (Principal Investigator)

7-84 to 12-86


NSF -DEB 8507493 Nutrient Cycling in an Arctic Landscape: Interactions Between Ecosystems Along a Riverside Toposequence

Gaius Shaver (Principal Investigator)


9-15-85 to 8-31-89


NSF OPP8722015 Changes in Arctic Freshwaters

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)
Bruce Peterson (Co-Principal Investigator)


3-15-88 to 8-31-91


NSF DEB 8806635 Biogeochemical diversity in the Arctic landscape: Element transport and the spread of disturbance effects.

Gaius Shaver (Principal Investigator)
Knute Nadelhoffer (Co-Principal Investigator)
Edward Rastetter (Co-Principal Investigator)
Anne Giblin (Co-Principal Investigator


9-15-88 to 8-31-91

DOE-19X-SC968V Response of northern ecosystems to global climate change.

Gaius Shaver (Subcontractor.)

10-88 to 9-89


NSF-DEB 8904503 International Conference on "Physiological Process Studies in the Arctic: Implications for Ecosystem Response to Climate Change held on August 3-6, 1989 in Toronto, Canada."

F. Stuart Chapin Investigator)
James Reynolds (Co-Principal Investigator)
Gaius Shaver (Co-Principal Investigator)


7-1-89 to 6-30-90

NSF DEB 8918273 The Controls of Sulfur Storage in Lake Sediments by Interactions among the Carbon, Iron, Oxygen and Sulfur Cycles

Anne Giblin (Principal Investigator)
Bruce Peterson (Co-Principal Investigator)
Brian Fry (Co-Principal Investigator)


5-15-90 to 4-30-94


NSF BSR-9019055. Global Change and the Carbon Balance of Arctic Ecosystems: The Importance of Carbon/nutrient Interactions.

Gaius Shaver (Principal Investigator)
Knute Nadelhoffer (Co-Principal Investigator)
Edward Rastetter (Co-Principal Investigator)
Anne Giblin (Co-Principal Investigator)


11-1-91 to 10-31-96

NSF OPP 9024188 Freshwater Systems

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)
Bruce Peterson (Co-Principal Investigator)
Edward Rastetter (Co-Principal Investigator)
Linda Deegan (Co-Principal Investigator)


8-1-91 to 1-31-96



NSF ANT 9214961 Attaining Ecological Understanding at the Regional Level: The Kuparuk River as a Model Arctic System

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)


9-15-92 to 8-31-94


NSF DEB 9307888 Recovery of Terrestrial Ecosystems from Major Disturbance: Constraints Due to Carbon/Nutrient Interactions

Edward Rastetter (Principal Investigator)
Jerry Melillo (Co-Principal Investigator)
Gaius Shaver (Co-Principal Investigator)


8-1-93 to 7-31-97

NSF ARC 9318529 Attaining Ecological Understanding at the Regional Level: The Kuparuk River as a Model Arctic System

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)


6-1-94 to 5-31-99


NSF ARC 9400722 Controls of Structure and Function of Aquatic Ecosystems in the Arctic

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)
Bruce Peterson (Co-Principal Investigator)
Edward Rastetter (Co-Principal Investigator)
Linda Deegan (Co-Principal Investigator)


6-15-94 to 5-31-99

NSF ARC 9415411 Primary Production in Arctic Ecosystems: Interacting Mechanisms of Adjustment to Climate Change

Gaius Shaver (Principal Investigator)
Edward Rastetter (Former Principal Investigator)


4-15-95 to 6-30-02

NSF DEB 9416807 Investigating Controls on the Benthic Flux of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Lake Sediments: A Comparative Ecosystems Approach

Anne Giblin (Principal Investigator)


11-1-94 to 10-31-98


NSF ARC 9509613 Multiple Resource Interactions and Ecosystem Function

Edward Rastetter (Principal Investigator)
Gaius Shaver (Co-Principal Investigator)


10-1-95 to 9-30-00

NSF DEB 9509348 RUI: Landscape Control of Trophic Structure in Arctic Alaskan Lakes

Anne Hershey (Principal Investigator)
Michael Miller (Co-Principal Investigator)
John Pastor (Co-Principal Investigator)
Michael McDonald (Co-Principal Investigator)
Carl Richards (Co-Principal Investigator)


11-1-95 to 10-31-98

NSF ANT 9522061 Ecological Responses to Increases in Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Temperature: A Global Change Study at Abisko, Sweden

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)
Jerry Melillo (Former Principal Investigator)


9-1-95 to 8-31-99

American Geophysical Union: Travel grant to attend NATO workshop on Disturbance and Recovery of Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems, Rovaniemi, Finland. September 1995

Gaius Shaver




NSF ARC 9614038 Modeling Canopy Carbon and Energy Balances in the Pan- Arctic: Scaling from Leaf to Region

Edward Rastetter (Principal Investigator)
Gaius Shaver (Co-Principal Investigator)
Mathew Williams (Co-Principal Investigator)


9-1-96 to 8-31-00

NSF-DEB-9615563 Global Change and the Carbon Balance of Arctic Ecosystems: The Importance of Carbon/nutrient Interactions in Soils.

Gaius Shaver (Principal Investigator and Co-Principal Investigator)


4-97 to 3-00

NSF ARC 9615949 Key Connections in Arctic Aquatic Landscapes

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)
Bruce Peterson (Co-Principal Investigator)
Linda Deegan (Co-Principal Investigator)
Anne Giblin (Co-Principal Investigator


5-1-97 to 4-30-02

NSF ARC 9615986 Collaborative Project: Effects of Climate-Landscape Interactions on Carbon Storage in Arctic Alaska

George Kling


9-1-96 to 8-31-99

NSF ARC 9622157 Development Of A Linked Hydro-Biogeochemical Model For An Arctic Watershed

Anne Giblin (Principal Investigator)


4-15-96 to 3-31-99

NSF-DEB 9628860 Nitrogen Uptake, Retention and Cycling in Stream: An Intersite N-15 Tracer Experiment

Jackson Webster (Principal Investigator)
Bruce Peterson (Co-Principal Investigator)
Judith Meyer (Co-Principal Investigator)
Patrick Mulholland (Co-Principal Investigator)


9-1-96 to 8-31-01


NSF DEB 9711626 MMIA: Terrestrial Biospheric Responses to Atmospheric Deposition and Application to Integrated Assessment

Edward Rastetter (Principal Investigator)
Ronald Prinn (Co-Principal Investigator)
A. David McGuire (Co-Principal Investigator)
Xiangming Xiao (Co-Principal Investigator


1-15-98 to 12-31-02

NSF OPP-9732281 The Response of Carbon Cycling in Arctic Ecosystems to Global Change: Regional and Pan-Arctic Assessments

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)
Edward Rastetter (Co-Principal Investigator)
Mathew Williams (Co-Principal Investigator


4-15-98 to 3-31-05

NSF ARC 9714327 LEXEN: Ecology of Microbial Systems in Extreme Environments: The Role of Nanoflagellates in Cold and Nutrient-Poor Arctic Freshwaters

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)
Mitchell Sogin (Co-Principal Investigator)


9-15-97 to 8-31-01



NSF ARC 9902695 Collaborative Research: Moist Acidic Versus Nonacidic Tundra: Why does the Vegetation Composition Differ and What Are The Consequences for Ecosystem Carbon Storage?

Sarah Hobbie (Principal Investigator)


5-1-99 to 4-30-03

NSF ARC 9911681 Developing Process-Level Understanding of Controls on Belowground Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics in Tundra Ecosystems

George Kling (Principal Investigator)
Knute Nadelhoffer (Former Principal Investigator)
Edward Rastetter (Co-Principal Investigator


2-15-00 to 1-31-04

NSF OPP-9911278 Aquatic Ecosystem Responses to Changes in the Environment of an Arctic Drainage Basin

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)
Bruce Peterson (Co-Principal Investigator)
Linda Deegan (Co-Principal Investigator)
Anne Giblin (Co-Principal Investigator)
Joseph Vallino (Co-Principal Investigator)


7-1-00 to 6-30-07


NSF ARC 0002369 Collaborative Research: Modeling Hydrologic Processes in the Arctic: A Watershed Approach for Regional and Global Climate Models

Marc Stieglitz (Principal Investigator)
Colin Stark (Co-Principal Investigator)


9-1-00 to 8-31-03

NSF DBI 0084048 FSML: An Analytical Laboratory for Examination of Land Use Change and Its Consequences for Aquatic Ecosystems

Anne Giblin (Principal Investigator)
Christopher Neill (Co-Principal Investigator)


9-1-00 to 8-31-03

NSF DEB-0087046 LTER Cross Site 2000: Interactions between climate and nutrient cycling in arctic and subarctic tundras

Gaius Shaver (Principal Investigator)
Mathew Williams (Co-Principal Investigator)


10-1-00 to 9-30-05

NSF DEB-0089585 Turnover and Retention of Nitrogen in an Arctic Watershed: Links to Organic Matter Accumulation and Response to Climate

Gaius Shaver (Principal Investigator)
Knute Nadelhoffer (Co-Principal Investigator)
Edward Rastetter (Co-Principal Investigator)
Anne Giblin (Co-Principal Investigator)


9-15-01 to 8-31-05

NSF DEB 0090202 RUI: A Geomorphic-Trophic Hypothesis for Arctic Lake Productivity

Anne Hershey (Principal Investigator)
W. John O'Brien (Co-Principal Investigator)
Stephen Whalen (Co-Principal Investigator)
Chris Luecke (Co-Principal Investigator)
Carl Richards (Co-Principal Investigator)


5-1-01 to 9-30-05

NSF OPP-0096523 Primary Production in Arctic Ecosystems: Interacting Mechanisms of Adjustment to Climate Change

Gaius Shaver (Principal Investigator)


1-1-01 to 12-31-04


NSF DEB- 0108960 Species-, Community-, and Ecosystem-Level Consequences of the Interactions Among Multiple Resources

Edward Rastetter (Principal Investigator)
Gaius Shaver (Co-Principal Investigator)


7-15-01 to 6-30-05


NSF DEB 0212749 Collaborative Research on the Effects of Plant Species and Functional Types on Diversity, Ecosystem Function, and Ecosystem Response to Perturbation in Arctic Tundra

Michelle Mack (Principal Investigator)


8-1-02 to 7-31-06 (collaborative research with Marion Bret-Harte)

NSF DEB 0213130 Collaborative Research on the Effects of Plant Species and Functional Types on Diversity, Ecosystem Function, and Ecosystem Response to Perturbation in Arctic Tundra

Marion Bret-Harte (Principal Investigator)


8-1-02 to 7-31-06

NSF ATM 0221835 BE/CBC: Land-Water Interaction at the Catchment Scale: Linking Biogeochemistry and Hydrology

Marc Stieglitz (Principal Investigator)
John Hobbie (Co-Principal Investigator)
George Kling (Co-Principal Investigator)
Joshua Schimel (Co-Principal Investigator)
Kevin Griffin (Co-Principal Investigator)


9-1-02 to 9-30-04


NSF OPP-032740 Will Climate Change Affect Hyporheic Processes in Arctic Streams? An Assessment of Interactions among Geomorphology, Hydrology, and Biogeochemistry in Arctic Stream Networks

William Bowden (Principal Investigator)
James McNamara (Co-Principal Investigator)
Michael Gooseff (Co-Principal Investigator)


8-1-03 to 7-31-07

NSF OPP-0352897 Resource Allocation and Allometry of Plant Growth in the Arctic:Key Constraints on Change and Predictability of the Arctic System

Gaius Shaver (Principal Investigator)


5-1-04 to 4-30-08


NSF ARC 0408371 Developing Process-Level Understanding of Controls on Belowground Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics in Tundra Ecosystems

George Kling (Principal Investigator)
Knute Nadelhoffer (Co-Principal Investigator)


9-1-03 to 1-31-07

NSF 0425045 Science Journalism Program for the Arctic

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)
Christopher Neill (Co-Principal Investigator)
Pamela Clapp (Co-Principal Investigator)
Kenneth Foreman (Co-Principal Investigator)


5-5-04 to 4-30-07

NSF ARC 0425606 Collaborative Research: Aboveground and Belowground Community Responses to Climate Changes in Arctic Tundra

John Moore (Principal Investigator)


8-15-04 to 11-30-06

NSF ARC 0425827 Collaborative Research: Aboveground and Belowground Community Responses to Climate Change in Arctic Tundra

Laura Gough (Principal Investigator)


8-15-04 to 7-31-07

NSF ARC 0436118 Synthesis and Scaling of Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Data on the North Slope and Coastal Zones of Alaska: A Basis for Studying Climate Change

Marc Stieglitz (Principal Investigator)
Bruce Peterson (Co-Principal Investigator)
Robert Holmes (Co-Principal Investigator)
James McClelland (Co-Principal Investigator)


1-1-05 to 12-32-07

NSF ATM 0439620 BE/CBC: Land-Water Interaction at the Catchment Scale: Linking Biogeochemistry and Hydrology

Marc Stieglitz


1-1-04 to 8-31-07

NSF DEB 0444592 Loss and Retention of Nitrogen in an Artic Landscape: Key Pathways and Process Regulation

Gaius Shaver (Principal Investigator)
Edward Rastetter (Co-Principal Investigator)
Anne Giblin (Co-Principal Investigator)


1-5-05 to 12-31-07


NSF DEB 0516041 Collaborative Research on Shrub-Snow Interactions in Alaskan and Canadian Tundra and their Potential for Positive Feedbacks to Vegetation and Climate Change

Michelle Mack (Principal Investigator)


8-15-05 to 7-31-08

NSF DEB 0516043 RUI: A Geomorphic-Tropic Hypothesis for Benthic-Pelagic Coupling in Arctic Lakes

Anne Hershey (Principal Investigator)
W. John O'Brien (Co-Principal Investigator)
Stephen Whalen (Co-Principal Investigator)
Chris Luecke (Co-Principal Investigator)
Roy Stine


8-15-05 to 7-31-08

NSF DEB 0516509 Collaborative Research on Snow-Shrub Interactions in Alaskan and Canadian Tundra and their Potential for Positive Feedbacks to Vegetation and Climate Change

Marion Bret-Harte (Principal Investigator)
Paul Grogan (Co-Principal Investigator)


8-15-05 to 7-31-08


NSF ARC 0611995 Factors Controlling Seasonal Changes in the Structure and Function of Food Webs of Perennial Spring Streams in Arctic Alaska

Alexander Huryn (Principal Investigator)
Jonathan Benstead (Co-Principal Investigator)


9-1-06 to 8-31-09

NSF ARC 0612340 Science Journalism Program for the Arctic

John Hobbie (Principal Investigator)
Christopher Neill (Co-Principal Investigator)
Pamela Clapp (Co-Principal Investigator)
Kenneth Foreman (Co-Principal Investigator)


4-15-07 to 3-31-08

NSF ARC 0612595 Collaborative Research: Most Arctic Plants Obtain Nitrogen by Symbiosis with Fungi: Development of a Radical Concept Cooperative Project

John Hobbie


8-15-06 to 7-31-08

NSF ARC 0632139 IPY: Collaborative Research on Carbon, Water, and Energy Balance of the Arctic Landscape at Flagship Observatories and in a PanArctic Network

Gaius Shaver (Principal Investigator)
John Hobbie (Co-Principal Investigator)
Edward Rastetter (Co-Principal Investigator)


3-15-07 to 2-29-08

NSF ARC 0632264 IPY: Collaborative Research on Carbon, Water, and Energy Balance of the Arctic Landscape at Flagship Observatories and in a Pan-Arctic Network

Marion Bret-Harte (Principal Investigator)
Brian Barnes (Co-Principal Investigator)
Sergei Zimov (Co-Principal Investigator)


3-15-07 to 2-29-08

NSF DEB 0639790 LTREB: Collaborative Research: What Controls Long-term Changes in Freshwater Microbial Community Composition?

Byron Crump (Principal Investigator)


1-15-07 to 12-31-08

NSF DEB 0639805 LTREB: Collaborative Research: What Controls Long-term Changes in Freshwater Microbial Community Composition?

George Kling


1-15-07 to 12-31-08


NSF ARC 0701295 Collaborative Research: Aboveground and Belowground Community Responses to Climate Changes in Arctic Tundra

John Moore (Principal Investigator)


8-31-06 to 7-31-07