The fate of carbon draining permafrost soils is controlled by photochemical reactions in addition to microbial degradation in arctic surface waters

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TitleThe fate of carbon draining permafrost soils is controlled by photochemical reactions in addition to microbial degradation in arctic surface waters
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2014
AuthorsCory, RM, Ward, CP, Crump, BC, Kling, GW
Conference NameTHAW 2014 - Thermokarst Aquatic ecosystems Workshop: Freshwater ecosystems in changing permafrost landscapes
Date PublishedMarch 12-15
Conference LocationQuebec City, QC
Accession NumberARC838
Short TitleThe fate of carbon draining permafrost soils is controlled by photochemical reactions in addition to microbial degradation in arctic surface waters