A general biogeochemical model describing the responses of the C and N cycles in terrestrial ecosystems to changes in CO2, climate, and N deposition

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TitleA general biogeochemical model describing the responses of the C and N cycles in terrestrial ecosystems to changes in CO2, climate, and N deposition
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1991
AuthorsRastetter, EB, Ryan, MG, Shaver, GR, Melillo, JM, Nadelhoffer, KJ, Hobbie, JE, Aber, JD
JournalTree Physiology
Accession NumberARC306
KeywordsD 04100 Terrestrial ecosystems - general
Short TitleA general biogeochemical model describing the responses of the C and N cycles in terrestrial ecosystems to changes in CO2, climate, and N deposition